This blog concerns the injustice of class warfare being waged against us globally by the top 1% and what the Bible has to say about it. The cadre of bankers, Wall St. money brokers and their Washington lobbyists, who have brazenly hijacked the American government and its monetary system, will not return the power they have taken away voluntarily. Are you ready for revolution? Are we even going to need any guns? This follower of Jesus doesn't think so!
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Sunday, September 24, 2017
Another warning from God. Perhaps more people will listen this time around.
A Word of
Warning From the Lord For the USA
by Pastor
Paul J. Bern
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here! :-)
going to do something that I've done before on this website;
exercising one of the chief gifts of the Spirit as taught by the
apostle Paul – the gift of prophecy, one of the nine fruits of the
Spirit (see 1st Corinthians 12, verses 7-11). First, for
my newer readers, let me point out that prophecy doesn't mean being
able to foretell the future. That's called divination, which is based
on sorcery, which is of the occult. Prophecy, on the other hand,
simply means affirmatively declaring the Word of God, or of conveying
the will of God and letting it be known with precision and insight.
For example, if I say, “Jesus will return on Christmas Eve”,
that's a prediction of the future, and in this case a pretty bad one.
But if I say, “Everyone act, think and live as if Jesus will return
this Christmas, because it is the Lord himself who reminds you to
keep yourself ready for His return – for He will return at an hour
when many do not expect him” – then I have prophesied the Word of
God by allowing myself to be used as a vessel for God's Word to
humankind, or as a conduit for God's awesome power (which is beyond
all human imagination or comprehension). Although I'm sure there will
be some who will strongly disagree with my interpretations of
Biblical prophecy contained herein, I feel compelled to warn all who
read this that judgment is coming to the USA. Indeed, I would be
derelict in my duties as a Web pastor and ambassador for Christ if I
neglected to warn all who will heed my warning. And so allow me a few
paragraphs and several minutes of your time to relate what I believe
is this important Word from the Lord God Almighty through his Son,
Jesus Christ, the Lamb that was slain and yet lives!
it was in the times of the prophets of old, so it is today – many
people are perishing due to a lack of knowledge, or misinformation,
about God. One thing I'm certain about – America's days as a
superpower, both militarily and economically, are just about over.
Don't any of you see what is happening all around you? Your
government is printing money at supersonic speed to keep its rigged
capitalist economic system – a system based on debt and greed that
is a laughingstock up in heaven and down in hell – from imploding!
Interest on America's “national debt” has been accruing at a
faster rate than the principal can be paid down. It is as plain and
bright as the daytime sunshine that our rigged pyramid scheme
economic system has run its course. It will soon be exactly as it was
written by the apostle John, “In
her heart she boasts, 'I sit as queen, I am not a widow, and I will
never mourn'. Therefore in one day her plagues will overtake her:
death, mourning, and famine. She will be consumed by fire, for mighty
is the Lord God who judges her. When the kings of the earth who
committed adultery with her and shared her luxury see the smoke of
her burning, they will weep and mourn over her. Terrified at her
torment, they will stand far off and cry, 'Woe! Woe, oh great city, O
Babylon, city of power! In one hour your doom has come!'”
(Revelation chapter 18, verses 7-10)
there anyone who still doubts that this passage of Scripture was
written about our country, the United States? Go back and read that
again, or better yet, read Revelation chapter eighteen in its
entirety – it's all right there in black and white. What else could
it be? The US remains the wealthiest nation on earth, and the
materialism of her people is an offense to God. Moreover, Jesus
condemned materialism (see Matthew 6, verses 19-21; Luke 6; 24-26)!
So how else is the US government sinning against God? The US dollar,
or more accurately the blistering rate the Federal Reserve is
printing it, makes a major devaluation of America's currency likely,
possibly even in the near future. Also, the US banking system is
based on “fractional
reserve lending”, which is “usury”, or money lending with
interest. The Bible says unambiguously the charging of interest is a
sin (see Exodus 22, verses 22-27). That means if the US does not
repent of these egregious sins and get its house in order, God will
punish our country with more economic hardship, natural disasters and
even plagues. I know there are those who will not take my warning
seriously, but I remind you that the future of our country, not to
mention your very soul, is at stake. I do not speak for myself, but
the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ speaks through me. I am merely a
conduit for His awesome power.
We have
taken the earth that God created and ruined it. We were originally
put in charge of the earth, to “subdue it” (see Genesis 1: 28),
but humankind has done an atrocious job, with the ongoing nuclear
reactor leak at Fukushima, Japan being a prime example. Everything is
polluted, even our own bodies. Oil residue still exists on the shores
of the Gulf of Mexico and western Florida, the seafood is
contaminated with mercury, our livestock are catching deadly new
strains of the flu, and our IQ's become ever more diminished due to
ingesting fluoridated water for generations. Autism, once thought to
have originated from childhood vaccines, is now being more correctly
understood as having environmental rather than medical causes and
origins. We're doing it to ourselves. And all the while, the world's
bee population is being decimated. That in and of itself is a
disaster in the making.
times are coming, of that we can all be sure. God has shown me (yes
He has!) that gas rationing and food rationing are both on America's
horizon. Poverty will increase by leaps and bounds, creating a
permanent underclass of Americans who will become the spearhead of a
nonviolent Second American Revolution. Civil unrest is coming, the
likes of which haven't been seen since the 1960's. Rioting may occur
in (hopefully) isolated areas, and people will stay barricaded in
their homes and apartments for days and weeks at a time. With 70% of
America's economy dependent on consumer spending, this is an ominous
possibility to say the least. If and when the dollar collapses – a
frightening possibility – all these things will be much worse (God
forbid). The Bible warns us that “a day is coming when no one will
be able to work”.We have been taking our privileged lives for
granted for too long. God is a patient and loving God who is slow to
anger but swift and sure regarding his punishment for those who
willfully disobey. When we take a look around us, we see our
neighborhoods, subdivisions, schools, churches, businesses, and
industries, and all the crumbling infrastructure associated with
them. Yet I am warning you all that even the tallest tower – which
here in Atlanta is just over 52 stories – will not be left standing
upon the arrival of the great and dreadful Day of the Lord. It is
only then, when the arrival of Christ Jesus splits the Mount of
Olives in two, that every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess,
that Jesus Christ is Lord. Those who have been disregarding my
warnings are just about out of time.
Friday, September 22, 2017
Free book excerpt #11 from Progressive Christian blogger and published author Rev. Paul J. Bern
Free sample from "Cannabis Legalization and the Bible" by Rev. Paul J. Bern
book shoots the “War On Drugs” right out of the sky while proving
conclusively that the 'drug war' is actually an all-out war on the
American people. Our time to rise up has come!!
if America's incarcerated population were its own country. If you look
at local, state and federal prison and jail populations, the United
States currently incarcerates more than three million people, a figure
that constitutes roughly 25 percent of the total incarcerated population
of the entire world. A population of 3 million is a lot – enough, in
fact, to fill up a good-sized country. If the incarcerated population of
the United States constituted a nation-state, what kind of country
would it be?
[1] Population size:
As a country – as opposed to a prison system – Incarceration Nation is
on the small side. Nonetheless, a population of 2.4 million is perfectly
respectable: Incarceration Nation has a larger population than about 50
other countries, including Namibia, Qatar, Gambia, Bahrain and Iceland.
[2] Geographic area:
There are more than 4,500 prisons in the United States. Let’s assume
that each of those prisons takes up about half a square mile of land – a
reasonable (and probably quite low) estimate given that most prisons
are, for security reasons, surrounded by some empty space. That gives
Incarceration Nation an estimated land area of about 2,250 square miles:
small, but still larger than Brunei, Bahrain and Singapore.
[3] Population density:
No matter how you look at it, Incarceration Nation is a crowded place.
If we assume a land area of 2,250 square miles, it has a population
density of roughly 1,067 people per square mile, a little higher than
that of India. In 2011, federal prisons were operating 39 percent above
capacity; in many state systems, overcrowding was much worse. This
figure remains largely unchanged.
[4] A nation of immigrants:
Like many of the smaller Gulf States, Incarceration Nation relies
almost entirely on immigration to maintain its population. You might
even say that Incarceration Nation is a nation of displaced persons:
most of its residents were born far away from Incarceration Nation,
which has a nasty habit of involuntarily transporting people hundreds
and sometimes thousands of miles away from their home communities,
making it extraordinarily difficult for residents to maintain ties with
their families.
[5] Birthright citizenship:
An estimated 10,000 babies are born each year in Incarceration Nation.
Most are “deported” within months, generally landing with foster
families. But Incarceration Nation does have its own form of birthright
citizenship, if you can call it that: as many as 70 percent of children
with an incarcerated parent end up incarcerated themselves at some
[6] Gender balance:
International attention to gender imbalances has tended to focus on
China, India and other states, but Incarceration Nation has the most
skewed gender ratio of any country on Earth: men outnumber women by a
ratio of about 12 to 1.
[7] Racial and ethnic makeup:
If Incarceration Nation were located in a geographical region matching
its racial and ethnic makeup, it would probably be somewhere in the
Southern Hemisphere, perhaps near Brazil. Roughly 40 percent of the
incarcerated population is of African descent, another 20 percent is of
Hispanic descent, and the remaining 40 percent are Caucasian or mixed.
For the average American, this means that one’s odds of spending time in
Incarceration Nation depend greatly on gender and race: a white woman
has only a one in 111 lifetime chance of ending up incarcerated, while a
black man has a whopping one in three chance.
[8] Health:
One study found that the incarcerated are “more likely to be afflicted
with infectious disease and other illnesses associated with stress.”
More than half of Incarceration Nation’s citizens are mentally ill, with
depression rates roughly on a par with those experienced by citizens of
[9] Per Capita Spending: Judged by per capita
government spending, Incarceration Nation is a rich country: its
government spends an average of about $31,000 per year on each
incarcerated citizen. Internationally, only little Luxembourg spends as
much on its citizens as Incarceration. Some people make a lot of money
from Incarceration Nation. Incarceration Nation employs about 800,000
people as prison guards, administrators and the like – almost as many
people as are employed in the entire U.S. automobile industry. But the
real money goes to the operators of private prisons and the companies
that make use of prison labor. Large private prison companies (such as
CCA, the Geo Group, and Cornell Companies) boast impressive annual
revenues. In 2015, for instance, CCA had annual revenues of about $1.79
[10] Labor Standards:
If you think low labor costs in countries such as China and Bangladesh
are a threat to U.S. workers and businesses, labor conditions in
Incarceration Nation will dangerously raise your blood pressure. UNICOR,
a.k.a. Federal Prison Industries, employs 8 percent of “work eligible”
federal prisoners. Hourly wages range from 23 cents an hour – about on a
par with garment workers in Bangladesh – to a princely $1.35 for
“premium” prisoners, comparable to the hourly wage of Chinese garment
workers. Who benefits from these low wages? The U.S. Department of
Defense, for one. The DOD is UNICOR’s largest customer; in fiscal year
2011 it accounted for $357 million of UNICOR’s annual sales. UNICOR
makes everything from Patriot missile components to body armor for the
No one likes to talk about this, of course: “We sell products made by
prison labor” isn’t the kind of slogan likely to generate consumer
enthusiasm. But to those in the know – as an online video promoting
UNICOR’s call-center services boasts – prison labor is “the best-kept
secret in outsourcing.”
The U.S. Civil War, which was fought to abolish slavery, was not really
that long ago. Having grown up in Cincinnati, I clearly recall the Ohio
River was a dividing line between North and South, and so when the war
was finally over, many families had veterans – and casualties – on both
sides. It is a vivid reminder of the close links that bind this country
to its history of slavery, which still haunts our national conscience.
We maintain what can be only be called legalized slavery today – the
utilization of prison labor for public and private profit. Many, if not
most, of these inmates are themselves the descendants of slaves. And
they are making fewer license plates and more defense electronics and
oil spill cleanups. Today prison labor is a multibillion dollar business
in the U.S. We also have the highest prison population in the world.
Are economic incentives at the heart of our sky-high incarceration
rates? Today, the U.S. prison system delivers profits to both government
corporations and private enterprises in several ways:
- Through the use of inmate labor to produce goods and services in federal and state prisons.
- Through the contracting of this labor to private companies at below-market wages.
- By privatization of the prisons and detainment centers themselves. Given these perverse incentives to maintain a high inmate population, is it any wonder that the number of prisoners and the length of their sentences – Americans comprise 5 percent of the world's total population but 25 percent of the world's prison population – have skyrocketed since privatization began in 1984?
- Number of inmates. From 1920 to 2006, the general U.S. population grew only 2.8 times in the same period, but the number of inmates increased more than 20 times.
One might ask if this population surge could be due to a sudden
increase in violent crime in America. A much smaller percentage of
prisoners than one would imagine have histories of violence. Just three
percent of those in Federal prisons, and a third of those in state
prisons, have been convicted of violent crimes. A majority of those in
city and county prisons are merely awaiting trial and cannot make bail.
As any policeman will tell you, much criminality would be eliminated if
drug laws were changed. Mass incarceration on a scale almost unexampled
in human history is a fundamental fact of the US today – perhaps the
fundamental fact, as slavery was the fundamental fact of 1850. In
truth, there are more African-American men in the grip of the
criminal-justice system – in prison, on probation, or on parole – than
were in slavery then. Over all, there are now more people under
'correctional supervision' in America – more than six million – than
were in the Gulags of Siberia under Stalin at its height. America has
now created its own series of Gulags and it makes much more than just
license plates. Of the 2.3 million prisoners now being held, more than
100,000 work in federal and state prison industry programs. This doesn't
mean the usual cooking, cleaning or peeling of potatoes, but work that
produces products for sale – about $2.4 billion dollars annually. This
industry even has its own trade shows! The government, particularly the
Department of Defense, is the biggest customer for the federal prison
labor. Most military clothing, furniture, and helmets are made by
Federal inmates. It is very likely that they made the furniture at your
local post office. Calling directory assistance? You might well be
talking to a felon. Federal prison workers, however, are the envy of
state inmates, some of whom earn nothing for 60-plus-hour weeks. Texas
and Georgia offer no compensation at all. (It is no surprise that these
states have highly privatized prison industries as well.)
Buy direct in print format ($14.95, 200 pages) at!books-and-donations/c17et
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Sunday, September 17, 2017
Is End Times Prophecy Really True or Isn't It?
the Record Straight Regarding
'Pre-tribulation Rapture'
by Pastor
Paul J. Bern
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here! :-)
week I have undertaken the task of setting the record straight about
the so-called “pre-tribulation Rapture”, and how this belief is
being disseminated on alternative and social media in a way that I
suspect to be erroneous. Although my opening sentence may seem
judgmental to some, that's not my intention at all. Any fool can mask
their foolish and rash nature behind a judgmental spirit, but this
week's commentary is more of an appeal and an outreach to all those
who are seeking the truth about all this speculation about “the
Rapture”. It turns out this is critically important information to
origin of the 'pre-tribulation Rapture' can be found in 1st
Thessalonians chapter 4, verses 13-18, and continuing into 1st
Thessalonians 5, verses 1-3. It reads as follows: “Brothers,
we do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep, or to
grieve like the rest of men, who have no hope. We believe that Jesus
died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus
those who have fallen asleep in him. According to the Lord's own
word, we tell you that we who are left alive, who are left by the
coming of the Lord, will certainly not proceed those who have fallen
asleep. For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud
command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of
God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are
still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the
clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord
forever. Therefore encourage one another with these words. Now,
brothers, about times and dates we need not write to you, for you
know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the
night. While people are saying, “peace and safety”, destruction
will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and
they will not escape.”
the apostle Paul who wrote the quote above, I too am unwilling that
anyone should lack knowledge of the truth, knowing that the Bible is
in fact the ultimate definition of truth. By the way, the apostle
Paul's term “those who fall asleep”, is an ancient expression of
the dying process. Paul's next sentence is telling – “We
believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God
will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him.”
This, my dear readers, is the very essence of the Christian faith,
and it defines the payoff for unwavering faith in Jesus. Anyone who
does not believe Jesus died on the cross and then rose again on the
morning of the third day does not have eternal life in and through
him. Period, end of story!! Those of you reading this who do not yet
believe, well, you have yourselves a decision to make – an
affirmative decision for Christ Jesus our Lord!! Don't take too long
thinking it over, either, because – as you all will soon see by
reading this – we are rapidly running out of time.
people are saying, “peace and safety”, destruction will come on
them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not
Interestingly enough, the United Nations has decreed the year
2017-2018 as the “Year
of Peace”. Now let me share another quote about the Great
Tribulation period from the Book of Daniel in the Old Testament, and
I quote: “The
people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the
sanctuary. The end will come like a flood: War will continue until
the end, and desolation's have been decreed. He will confirm a
covenant with many for one 'seven'. In the middle of the 'seven' he
will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on a wing of the
Temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until
the end that is decreed is poured out on him.”
As you can see by the text I used, the Book of Daniel is a deeply
prophetic book, one of the most prophetic in the entire Bible IMHO.
Although it is a complex book on several levels, let me cut to the
chase right here for the sake of brevity and simplicity. “One
'seven'” is a reference to a command given by the Lord to the
ancient Israelites who had taken possession of the Land of Canaan, to
let the land lie fallow every seventh year in order to give it a
chance to replenish itself of minerals and other nutrients (see
Leviticus 25, verses 1-7). This was, after all, an entirely agrarian
“ruler who will come” is none other than the Antichrist himself.
His confirmation of a “covenant for one 'seven'” is the
stipulation of his 'authority' for the seven years that he will rule
the earth. Although there is insufficient space here to explain this,
the 7-year rule of the Antichrist will commence at the end of World
War Three (see Ezekiel chapters 7, 38 and 39, as well as Revelation
18 for the full story on that). The Antichrist, not surprisingly,
will rule from Jerusalem, since America will have been attacked but
not entirely destroyed (see again Ezekiel 7 and Revelation 18). But
at this point the USA will have ceased from being a world power, and
the US dollar will no longer be the world's reserve currency. He will
rule for the first half of his seven-year reign because he will build
the Third Temple and allow Old Testament-style animal sacrifices to
be performed there. But due to many loud objections to the sacrifices
of helpless animals, at the mid-point of his reign the Antichrist
will order the sacrifices to be stopped so that he should be
worshiped as God in the Third Temple. This is the “abomination that
causes desolation” Daniel wrote about, and Jesus quotes from that
very verse in Matthew 24, which we'll get to in just a minute.
the middle of the 'seven' he will put an end to sacrifice and
The Bible specified this because it is at this mid-point in the Great
Tribulation period that the Rapture of the true Church, which is also
called 'the Bride of Christ', actually takes place.
prove that we're all still going to be here for the first part of the
Great Tribulation, allow me to show you several verses from
Revelation, the last book in the Bible, and I quote: “Men
worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and
they also worshiped the beast and asked, 'Who is like the beast? Who
can make war against him?' The beast was given a mouth to utter proud
words and blasphemies and to exercise his authority for 42 months. He
opened his mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander his name and his
dwelling place and those who live in heaven. He was given power to
make war against the saints, and to conquer them. And he was given
authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. All
inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast – all whose names
are not written in the Book of Life belonging to the Lamb that was
slain from the creation of the world. He who has an ear, let him
hear.” (Revelation 13, verses 4-9)
is like the beast? Who can make war against him?” If military
operations are going on in the Last Days we live in, and they
certainly are today, this most likely is a reference to a global
military force that has no boundaries in a world where the
sovereignty of nations is no longer observed. I can't speak for
anyone else, but this sounds and reads like global government to me.
'The Beast', then, is obviously the enforcement arm of the military
forces of the Antichrist. “The
beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to
exercise his authority for 42 months.”
Forty two months is exactly 3 and a half years, representing the
final period of rule by the Antichrist, the infamous world dictator
who will declare himself to be God incarnate. What he will be instead
is the devil incarnate, someone to be despised and vigorously opposed
by all the true Christian believers of the world! Conversely, the
length of Jesus' ministry here on earth was also 3 ½ years.
was given power to make war against the saints, and to conquer them.
And he was given authority over every tribe, people, language and
OK people, right here is the first example of the proof I mentioned
above regarding the timing of the Rapture of the Bride of Christ. If
the Church has already been 'raptured' away before the Tribulation
starts, or at its beginning, then how come the Antichrist can make
“war against the saints”? He can't make war against the true
believers if they're no longer here, so obviously during the earlier
part of the 7-year Tribulation period the Christian believers will
still be on earth. This also means that, as a result of the refusal
of the True Believers to accept the mark of the beast, the number of
his name or to worship his image, Christians will have to set up
large underground networks to obtain food, shelter, and in many cases
for their own safety. Christianity as a Church and as a belief system
will have to go underground in order to survive during this
extraordinarily dangerous time, and all the children will have to be
home-schooled. But if the parents explain these things to their
children, the children will understand they are part of something
much bigger than themselves, and they will embrace it wholeheartedly
if encouraged. The Spirit of the Lord will make it so!
now for the third and last part of this week's commentary, to find
out if Christian believers will have to endure part of the Great
Tribulation – and the persecution that will surely accompany it –
let's go straight to the source and read what Jesus had to say about
this very topic, and I quote: “Then
you will be handed over to be persecuted and be put to death, and you
will be hated by all nations because of me. At that time many will
turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and
many false prophets will appear and will deceive many people. Because
of the increase in wickedness, the love of many will grow cold, but
he who stands firm to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the
kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all
nations, and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24, verses 9-14)
you will be handed over to be persecuted and be put to death, and you
will be hated by all nations because of me.”
OK, if the Rapture of the Church is supposed to happen before the
Great Tribulation starts, then why did Jesus tell the apostles we
(including themselves) will be persecuted and put to death? Obviously
both can't be happening at once, that makes no sense. The answer is
exactly what the prophet Daniel foretold. At the midpoint of the
7-year reign of the Antichrist, when the sacrifices to God are
forcibly stopped and he sets himself up in the yet-to-be-built Third
Temple as the personification of God, that's when God puts his foot
down and says, “That's it!! I am finished with you!!”. But before
he initiates the punishment of humankind for worshiping the beast,
his image or the number of his name, and for following the False
Prophet, he will first take his Bride out of harm's way. That's when
the True Church will be taken up, and so to be with the Lord forever.
Therefore, as the apostle Paul wrote, “encourage one another with
these words”.
of the increase in wickedness, the love of many will grow cold, but
he who stands firm to the end will be saved.”
Is there an increase in wickedness today? You better believe there
is! Has the love of many grown cold as a result? Without a doubt –
people today often stay single because they have a hard time trusting
others due to negative experiences in their past relationships. By
the same token, people's love for God, for Jesus and all he
represents, and their compassion and empathy for others has also run
cold. Besides the reasons I already stated, this is because everyone
today is so financially strapped that they don't even have the
ability to help the less fortunate even if they really want to – as
they should. So everyone is scared of giving, scared of loving, and
scared of trusting. This truly is a sorry state of affairs for us to
be in. But as verse 14 says, once the Gospel is preached throughout
the earth, then – and only then – the end of the age will come.
Not the end of the world, mind you. The earth isn't going to collide
with another planet, so you can put those fears to rest! But the end
of the world as we have known it will end. This will be a world
without wars, a world where companies operate as either nonprofits,
co-ops or employee-owned businesses, a world where higher education
and medical care are all free of charge, and where economic parity or
equality will be the law of the land! And Jesus will be in charge of
it all from the world's new capital city, Jerusalem! But we have to
go through a storm first, the likes of which none of us has ever seen
before. But if we hold on together and ride this storm out, eternal
peace and tranquility awaits us on the other side!
99 %,
end times prophecy,
Jesus Christ,
progressive Christian,
the Antichrist,
the book of Revelation,
the rapture,
Monday, September 11, 2017
Sunday, September 10, 2017
Of Hurricanes and Judgments
Are In the Bible, and So Is America's Judgment
by Pastor
Paul J. Bern
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this in any browser, click
here! :-)
Hurricanes are
arriving as twins! Soon they may arrive in three's, I don't know.
Hopefully we should be reminded to stop and see what the Bible says
about things like this. After all, to have so many storms happening
at once is most unusual. Here are a few scriptures to seek God about,
starting with two of the major prophets from the Old Testament,
Jeremiah and Isaiah. In this first example from Jeremiah 23, verses
17-20 it says, “They keep saying to those who despise me, ' The
Lord says, 'You will have peace' , and to all who follow the
stubbornness of their hearts, they say, 'No harm will come to you.'
But which of them has stood in the council of the Lord, to see or
hear his word? Who has listened and heard his Word? See, the storm of
the Lord will burst out in wrath, a whirlwind swirling down on the
heads of the wicked. The anger of the Lord will not turn back until
he fully accomplishes the purpose of his heart. In the days to come
you will understand it clearly.”
Here in the 2nd
example from Isaiah 40, verses 21-24 the Word of the Lord reads,
“Have you never heard or understood? Are you deaf to the words
of God – the words he gave before the world began? Are you so
ignorant? It is God who sits above the circle of the earth. The
people below must seem to him like grasshoppers! He is the one who
spreads out the heavens like a curtain and makes his tent before
them. He judges the people of the world and brings them all to
nothing. They barely get started, barely taking root, when he blows
on them and their work withers. The wind carries them off like
straw.” Every few years, or
maybe another decade or so, another hurricane comes along and really
clobbers the southeastern and Gulf coasts of the US. Soon after, the
rebuilding process starts, often taking many years, and everything is
fine until the next one comes along, which restarts the whole cycle
yet again. Isn't this exactly what the Bible was talking about? Of
course it is!
Jeremiah 25:
32 says, “This is what the Lord Almighty says: 'Look! A disaster
is spreading from nation to nation; a mighty storm is rising from the
ends of the earth.” Storms have come and gone before, America
is only the latest target selected by God. But why America, and why
now? Just think about it for a minute – even if some disagree with
what I'm about to write. This is not going to be a popular thing to
say, but the ugly truth is that America as a country stands judged by
God. Our country is the world's largest exporter of armaments and
weapons of every kind, we produce by far the most pornography, and we
have the largest rates of murder and incarceration in the world. We
are the world's largest polluter of the air, water and soil. In fact,
the United States is systematically poisoning the entire planet! We
have by far the world's largest and most formidable military, and
when we send our sons and daughters overseas to fight America's
illicit wars, fully 20% of them return as psychiatric basket cases.
The reason for this is that they have witnessed killing on a scale so
massive that it is beyond their comprehension. Forced outside the
scope of their experiences, some of these well-meaning individuals
simply never make it back home again. Their brains are still off
somewhere else, fighting a battle that only exists in between their
ears. This, my dear readers, is what war does to people! It shatters
the human psyche beyond repair, which is why we must be vigorously
opposed to warfare! Ban war forever!
So it is for these
reasons that God has brought, and will continue to bring, judgment
upon this country for its crimes, and judgment on those people who
stand with her as she does so! Is this insufficient for anyone? Does
anybody need still more reasons why God would punish America? We have
more abortions than any other country. One fourth of our children are
currently homeless. For most of them, their free school lunch is the
only food they have access to. Institutionalized racism still abounds
in the US and nothing is being done about it. Our banking system is
completely fraudulent and flies in the face of Scriptures (see Exodus
22: 25-27, etc.). 99% of America's wealth is in the hands of the top
1% of its citizens, and inequality is out of control as a result. Our
country is populated by materialistic people who are addicted to
their phones, to drugs or alcohol, or to pornography, gambling, or
binge watching their big screen TV's while they sit on their couches
mesmerized by trite events outside the scope of reality. And if
that's not enough for them, there's always Virtual Reality that they
can play instead. We have become like demanding little spoiled brats
who insist on being entertained 24-7!
Unfortunately for
all these people, and what the majority of them haven't even stopped
to consider, is that when we are engaged in all these activities our
attention is turned away from the One who made us, who watches over
us daily while being like a dad for those who have none, and who
loves us intensely – believe it or not! Our attention to all the
things I mentioned above diverts us away from paying attention to
God. Moreover, those who are doing any or all the other things I
mentioned are ignoring God and his guidance, and have no relationship
with Jesus Christ who saved their very souls! These intense and
powerful hurricanes – and there will be plenty more, mark my words
– are a warning and a judgment from God! We are to stop living only
for ourselves and start living for others! Otherwise, America will be
struck by still more disasters in the weeks, months and years to
come. What we should be doing instead is devoting all our spare time
to serving Christ by service to others. Jesus did just that in
Matthew's gospel chapter 8, verses 23-27, and I quote: “Then he
got into the boat, and his disciples followed him. Without warning, a
furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the
boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke him,
saying, 'Lord, save us! We're going to drown!' He replied, 'You of
little faith, why are you so afraid?' Then he got up and rebuked the
wind and the waves, and it was completely calm. The men were amazed
and asked, 'What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves
obey him!'”
disciples knew they were in a situation with no clear exit, that they
were caught in a storm from which they could not escape. Like those
currently stuck in Florida without the means to escape hurricane
Irma, or those in Texas with Harvey, all they can do is seek help
from the Lord, and to ask for his mercy upon us. Notice that Jesus
was asleep during all but the last few moments of the fierce storm
before saying, “You of little faith, why are you so
afraid?”, before he calmed the
storm. I think that's what Jesus wants to tell everyone in Florida
and Georgia. Only He can rebuke the wind and the waves. Even the wind
and the waves have sense enough to obey Him. Shouldn't we?
Sunday, September 3, 2017
Lessons Learned From Hurricane Harvey
Natural Disasters Can Strengthen Our Faith
Pastor Paul J. Bern
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By now
everyone knows about the disastrous mega-storm named Harvey and its
aftermath. This has been without a doubt the worst natural disaster
America has ever experienced, certainly in my lifetime. Not since
Hurricane Sandy has the US seen flooding this disastrous. Only the
earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan several years ago was a
still greater disaster, and to this day radioactive water continues
to leak into the Pacific ocean from northeastern Japan, poisoning the
planet! We were luckier this time than the victims of hurricane Sandy
since the death toll from Harvey is about half of that of Sandy.
Moreover, there were tens of thousands who died in the Japanese
disaster before that. With a tidal wave of insurance claims by
Japanese home owners and business owners that exceeded $100 billion
USD, the triple disasters of an earthquake, a tsunami and the
meltdown of 3 nuclear reactors at the Fukushima nuclear power plant
in northeastern Japan is her worst disaster since World War Two.
However, hurricane Harvey's damage will easily cost 3-5 times as much
to rebuild as the Japanese disaster.
in 2013, America had a series of tornadoes sweep across the
mid-western and southern US from Alabama and Georgia all the way up
to Ohio and Indiana, claiming 31 lives and causing many millions of
dollars in damages. During times like these many wonder why God
allows such disasters to occur. It seems to those lacking in faith
that if God were the all-loving and all-powerful God that He
allegedly is, then such disasters would never happen in the first
place. I completely disagree with this idea, which from my vantage
point is based on insufficient or incorrect teaching combined with
misguided and/or dumbed-down secular education! God takes us through
hard times and allows us to go through all kinds of trials and
hardship – even persecution within supposedly “Christian”
churches such as I have previously experienced – to build and
strengthen our character and our minds, and to teach us to have
resolve and great fortitude. The apostle Paul wrote in his letter to
the early Roman church that “persecution
builds character, and strong character builds hope, and hope builds
patience.” And the
apostle James wrote long ago, “Consider
it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds,
because you know that the testing of your faith develops
perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be
mature and complete, not lacking anything.” (James 1, verses 2-3)
So, to go through hardship is to be in growth while engaging in
personal enrichment. That is why, in
times like these, so many people find comfort in their faith.
disasters like this occur, I go back to the Bible to the First Book
of Kings. Elijah, in despair over the situation in Israel, runs to
the desert and back to Mt. Sinai to find the God of the Revelation to
Moses. "And lo, the
Lord God passed by. There was a mighty wind, splitting mountains and
shattering rocks, but the Lord was not in the wind. There was an
earthquake but the Lord was not in the earthquake." To
me, that is the key: the Lord was not in the earthquake in Japan. He
wasn't in Hurricane Sandy's mighty winds, and wasn't in the drenching
of Harvey either, although it is easy to see why many would disagree.
Natural disasters are usually acts of nature, but they can be acts of
God, too. In fact, the Bible lists a fair number of examples, with
the obliteration of Sodom and Gomorrah being among the most
prominent. But God cares about the eternal well-being of all people.
Mother nature, on the other hand, is blind and an equal-opportunity
destroyer. Where and when is God present in the hardest hit areas of
the US mid-Atlantic and New England region today? Where is God in the
leftover environmental and collateral damage of Fukushima? Where was
He when those tornadoes leveled parts of Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky,
Tennessee, Alabama and Georgia? 'I want to know where God is in all
this', many have said this past week.
answer to that question is, He is present in the courage and resolve
of people to carry on their lives after these tragedies, and in the
resilience of those whose lives have been destroyed who vow to
rebuild, whose loved ones have been swept away and whose homes were
destroyed. God is still present in the goodness, kindness and
generosity from people all over the world who reach out and help
strangers who live far from them, to contribute aid and to pray for
them (hopefully a lot!). How can people do such things if God were
not at work in them to lend a counterweight to the devastating burden
of a natural disaster? He is present in the human empathy and
compassion of the thousands of volunteers who are helping with the
cleanup in the greater Houston area, not counting all the other
places from western Louisiana west to Corpus Christi, where selfless
people working without any expectation of compensation are currently
laboring to help these most unfortunate people, the majority of whom
are in dire straits.
believers and non-believers alike, there is no satisfactory answer
for why we suffer. Each person has to come to grips with that fact of
life in their own way. It’s not as if some magic answer can be
found within humanity. But the idea of God suffering along with us
while possessing unfathomable sympathy and endless love for us all
can be very helpful to say the least. Jesus followers like myself
believe that God became human in the form of Jesus Christ, who
suffered unimaginably extreme pain and then died on the cross, only
to rise from the dead on the morning of the third day. At the moment
of death, Jesus on the cross cried, “My
God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matt. 27: 46)
Christians do not worship an aloof and impersonal God, but a God who
understands what it means to suffer. People can relate more easily to
a God who understands them, and whose suffering 2,000 years ago on
the cross makes the trauma of any natural disaster seem like child's
is God right now? God is right there in the midst of people who are
grieving and sorrowful. In my own life, when I have felt great sorrow
I have trusted that God is with me in this and that I’m not facing
my struggles alone. Oftentimes people become much closer to Jesus in
times of sorrow or tragedy. They find that they are able to meet Him
in new ways. Why? Because when our defenses are down and we’re more
vulnerable, God can open up our hearts more easily. It’s not that
God gets closer to us, it’s that we become more open so that we are
drawn closer to him.
natural disasters have become the collective responsibility of all
humankind to mobilize our compassion and resources to ease the pain
of the people who have suffered. There are those who say such
disasters are the result of the sins of those who were victims, while
there are others who disagree. I don't care to address that issue
here except to say that America, from the leadership on down, is in
so much sin that it collectively needs some serious repentance. There
can be no doubt that the American Empire is in need of some
restraint. By the same token, I want to be clear that none of the
hurricane victims “deserved” these disasters because of anything
they said or did. Rather, I see these kinds of tragedies as being
part test and part rebuke from God.
firmly believe that God tests those He loves, and these tragedies
also serve as a reminder to the rest of us to remain grateful to God
for all our blessings and be cognizant of the fact that we have a
moral obligation to support those in need. These kinds of calamities
should (hopefully) motivate more of us to act in positive ways. They
should strengthen our faith in God and in his goodness, particularly
when we see evidence of Him in the rebuilding efforts that are
already underway, not to mention all the volunteers and donations
that are pouring in. We attribute the things we don’t understand to
God's limitless wisdom and comfort ourselves that he is with us and
he loves us, so there must be some meaning in what has happened, even
if it is beyond our comprehension here at this time.
are trained by life and by our faith in Christ that every suffering,
whether big or small, brings us closer to God’s love, his mercy and
forgiveness, even to the extent that Jesus said, “Blessed
are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven”
(Matt. 5: 3). So you can clearly see that those who are the most
dispirited by these natural disasters and related misfortune will
always wind up being the most blessed because of it. That's how God
works. These times of suffering give us an opportunity to demonstrate
our generosity, patience and faith In doing so we become closer to
God by our service to humanity.
Every natural disaster we
experience challenges us as God’s trustees on this Earth, showing
us that we should continue to study and explore ways of safeguarding
humankind from being subjected to this kind of devastation. It is the
collective duty of all humankind to put resources into this and
advance our understanding of how to respond to these disasters in a
scientific way while constantly maintaining our Spiritual connections
with Christ – while never letting go of either.
we contemplate the great number of people who have suffered and died
in these tragedies, we may feel very strongly that a part of
ourselves has also died due to our family ties and interconnections.
The word for this is 'empathy'. The pain of one part of humankind is
the pain of the whole of humanity, for all who worship Jesus Christ
as the Son of God and Lord of the universe. The human species and the
planet Earth are one body comprising one living environment. What
happens to one part of humanity happens to the whole of humanity.
Events such as these remind us of the temporary nature of our lives.
It helps us remember that what’s most important is to love God
first by believing in Jesus and then to love each other, to be there
for each other, and to treasure each moment we have that we are
alive. This is the best that we can do for those who have died. We
can live in such a way that they are continuing to live in us but
more mindfully, more profoundly, more beautifully, savoring every
minute of life available to us on their behalf as well as our own.
Anyone claiming to be a Christian, but who is unaffected by or laughs
at the misfortune of others, is as phony as a 3 dollar bill, and deep
down inside they know it too. We don't have much time left. The
second coming of Christ is likely imminent! When He returns, the
first thing we will be asked has nothing to do with our religious
beliefs. Jesus will first ask us, 'What did you do for others, and
how did you go about it?'. We will all be commanded to give an
account of ourselves, how we lived our lives, and particularly how we
treated others. Jesus said, “I
desire mercy, not sacrifice”,
and that is perfectly applicable to natural disasters and how well we
serve those victims.
don’t believe God wanted any of these disasters to happen. I don’t
think this was ever God’s intention at all. We know that there are
going to be storms in life, and anyone believing otherwise is only
fooling themselves. No matter what happens we need to keep our faith
and trust in almighty God. And I want the people of Japan, the Texas
coastal areas, and all the rest of the world to know that God hasn’t
forgotten them, that God does care for them and that He most
definitely loves them. We care and God cares, and we’re standing by
you all. And we will use these experiences to practice that which
strengthens us most, which is human compassion and empathy. As the
human population continues to grow throughout most of the world, it
is our responsibility as believers in Jesus to begin making sure that
there is enough to go around for everybody by sharing our natural and
human resources wisely. Taking care of disaster victims, or donating
whatever one can spare if they are unable to be there in person, is a
very good place to start.
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