America A Christian Nation?
journalist once asked Mahatma Gandhi what he thought of Western
civilization. He answered: "It's a good idea. They ought to try
it". America is the most religious nation in the industrialized
world. More that 90 percent of our population say they believe in
God, and that they pray regularly. In his New Testament Epistle, the
apostle James expressed the Christian view that "faith without
works is dead." In the same way the apostle Paul wrote, “Be
doers of the Word, and not just hearers only, who so deceive
themselves”. Similarly, Judaism calls for bar mitzvahs. But how do
these sentiments translate into action in 21st century
America? Let's have a look at our national religious behavior report
card. We define ourselves as being a Christian nation, and yet all of
the following are happening on our watch:
America is the richest nation in the world. Yet the Census Bureau
reports that 50 million Americans live in poverty. That includes over
one in five children.
The U.S. poverty rate is the third worst among developed nations
according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development. Demographers say that the poverty rate will rise this
year from 13.2 percent to 19 percent which will be the highest
percentage since the government began calculating poverty figures in
1959. Fifty million Americans are now on food stamps, the highest
number ever since records have been kept.
According to the Census Bureau, 30 million people lived in
working-poor families in 2010. The Feeding America network reported
that 36 percent of their client households have one or more adults
working. Our growing population of working poor often have to choose
between gasoline for getting to work and food for their families. Our
nation's elderly are also often having to choose between paying for
their medicine and buying groceries.
The National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty estimates that
700,000 to 2 million people are homeless on any given night in
America. A new class has emerged: the working homeless. When the
minimum wage won't even pay for rent and utilities on a 1-bedroom
apartment, what America has ended up with are multitudes of working
homeless, including whole families.
54.2 million Americans, including 21 million children, experienced
hunger or the risk of hunger in 2012. That's right at 24 percent of
all households. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture,
hunger in American households has nearly doubled in the last five
years. As this is occurring, American restaurants throw away more
than 6000 tons of food every day and Grocery stores discard an
estimated thirty million pounds of food daily. The U.S. Department of
Agriculture's Food Loss Project estimates that Americans throw out
25.9 million tons of food each year. More disturbing: a University of
Arizona study reports that 40 to 50 percent of all food ready for
harvest never gets eaten.
The United States is the only industrialized nation that doesn't
provide healthcare for all its citizens. “Obamacare” promises to
correct much of that but it falls far short of the mark. The 2010
Census Bureau figures show that 50.5 million Americans, including 18
million children, have no health insurance. The reasons are
invariably due to economic hardship brought on by poverty.
We have the best medical technology and treatment capability in the
world. Yet the United States ranks 37th for health system performance
by the World Health Organization. The latest report on life
expectancy shows a slight drop in the United States that will place
us even lower than the current ranking of 49th among nations of the
world-- a lower life expectancy than many less developed countries. A
Columbia University study attributes our decline from 11th place in
1950 to the much lower present ranking to our inadequate healthcare
The current minimum wage of $7.25, which was raised from $5.15 seven
years ago, still keeps families at or below the poverty line while
stripping working Americans of their economic and political power. A
more realistic minimum wage here in the US would be about $12.00
an hour. France, Ireland, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, England,
the Isle of Man, Australia and many other nations have a higher
minimum wage than we do. The Bible says, “The worker is worth
his/her wages”. Companies who don't pay a living wage are knowingly
robbing their employees.
The latest census figures show the gap between rich and poor widening
to the largest margin ever. The top 20 percent of workers earning
more than $100,000 a year received 49.4.percent of all income
compared with the 3.4 percent earned by the bottom 20 percent.. The
richest 1 percent pockets more than 20 percent of total income which
is greater than the total amount earned by the bottom 50 percent. The
wealthiest segment of the population is fighting tooth and nail for
lower tax rates and other tax breaks while joblessness, poverty,
homelessness and hunger are rampant in America.
In 1994 a million innocents were slaughtered in Rwanda. We watched
and did nothing. Similarly, we did little to stop the genocide in
Darfur. Sudan has passed a referendum dividing the country into North
and South. Numerous commentators foresee an imminent civil war that
could lead to further slaughter and genocide. Will the U.S. intervene
on humanitarian grounds? History does not suggest a positive answer.
Unless, of course, the country in question has oil. That's different.
There are at least 59 holocaust museums in the United States
dedicated to raising awareness of the Nazi genocide and to help
prevent similar horrors from happening again. Add to that the
numerous holocaust museums and memorials around the world. Yet
genocides, mass murders, and other atrocities such as the sex slave
trade persist. Who is listening, who is learning? Who is acting?
Americans make up 5 percent of the world population and produce 25
percent of worldwide carbon dioxide emissions, which are raising the
earth's temperature ("greenhouse effect") to dangerous
levels. Fossil fuel consumption is destroying the planet, but we
refuse to develop a "Manhattan Project" for alternative
energy. Scientists warn that the environmental doomsday clock is
ticking. The icebergs are breaking away and melting before our eyes,
revealing islands we never saw before. We watch and debate but do too
little to preserve the environment for ourselves and future
generations. In our hubris we forget that we are guests on a tiny
rock floating – in an infinite universe of rocks – that uniquely
supports life in a delicate balance of natural and mysterious forces.
Smoking continues to compromise the health of more than 20 percent of
our population who still smoke. The Surgeon General tells us that
smoking, in addition to contributing to a number of cancers,
increases the risk of almost every known disease. The American Lung
Association reports that each day nearly 6,000 children under 18
years of age start smoking. But we refuse to put an end to smoking.
(I recently quit myself. Yes you can!)
Leaders of some of our biggest corporations, as well as prominent
investment advisers (men and women of "faith"), have
cheated, deceived and destroyed their companies and clients, ruining
the lives and futures of untold numbers of individuals and families.
Bernie Madoff was only the tip of the iceberg.
We have the largest prison population in the world. Currently more
than 2.5 million people are incarcerated; and 1 in every 30 adults is
in prison, on parole or probation adding up to a total of 7.3
million. The U.S has a greater prison population (in percentage of
population) than a number of countries that we consider in violation
of human rights.
According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute,
world military spending for 2009 reached $1.531 trillion, a six
percent increase over 2008 and a forty-nine percent increase over the
year 2000. The United States accounted for forty-six percent of the
total world military expenditure ($661 billion). China was a distant
second accounting for 6.6. percent followed by France's 4.2 percent,
the UK's 3.8 percent and Russia's 3.5 percent. The proposed U.S.
military budget for 2013 is over a trillion dollars.
is religion? Love, caring, serving, giving, sharing, oneness, brother
and sisterhood, compassion and selflessness. Summed up: "Thy
neighbor is thyself", so we must continue to “Love your
neighbor as yourself”. It looks to me like America has a long way
to go before it can truly be a Christian nation.
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