Massacred Without a Shot Being Fired
past week we have witnessed the death of an American icon, Hostess
Brands, the makers of Twinkies, Zingers, and other delights for kids
of all ages. Hostess has shut its doors in a labor dispute with its
workers over pay and benefits cuts, as well as the elimination of
their pensions. These workers had already agreed to 2 prior cuts in
salary and benefits, but a third cut in each plus the forced
liquidation of their retirement pensions proved to be too much. Many
of these workers had been paying into their retirements for decades,
and so they were furious when the company took them away. Evidently
none of the striking workers thought it possible that their entire
careers would evaporate before their eyes, but that is exactly what
Hostess employees were given a choice: Either give up their pensions
including the face value of their retirement savings, or give that up
plus everything else including their careers. In the end they all
wound up losing it all. Not since President Ronald Reagan fired
15,000 striking air traffic controllers in 1981 – effectively
crushing an entire labor union out of existence – has such a
terrible blow been dealt to organized labor in America. The infamy of
president Reagan's actions against organized labor in the US are
still palpable decades later. And so it will be for Hostess Brands,
the company that committed suicide rather then pay their workers a
living wage (the striking workers would have had to accept pay and
benefits cuts averaging 40% each). The average salary of a Hostess
worker was reportedly around $40,000; settling the strike would have
cut their pay to $25,000 while nearly doubling the cost of their
the striking workers had a choice: Lose their pension savings and
half their benefits, along with a 40% pay cut, or lose everything.
That doesn't sound like much of a choice to begin with. Is it any
wonder that they went on strike? If I were in their place I likely
would have done the same, or at least given it some serious
consideration. If I still had kids at home, I would have to think
about that really hard before choosing whether to strike or not, but
in the end I think I still would have.
who insist on a living wage is not something peculiar to only
American labor unions of the 20th
and 21st
century. This is a tradition that goes all the way back to the time
of Moses in the Old Testament, where it is written, “The workman is
worth his wages” (quoted by Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew) and,
“Do not muzzle your oxen when they are treading out the grain”.
The modern equivalents of that translation would be, “You can run
your horses as hard as you want, provided you give them time to
replenish themselves”, or “You can keep on driving your car so
long as you remember to add fuel when it needs it.” So it is with
workers. If it costs a modern family of four $28,000 to $32,000
dollars annually for their basic essentials such as housing, food,
transportation, energy and fuel, and the dad's or mom's employer only
pays the breadwinner $23,000 annually, this is obviously a huge
problem. If both parents work, they end up spending half of their 2nd
income on child care. That brings me to my point. If any given
worker's salary or hourly wage doesn't even meet the cost of their
most basic living expenses, then that worker ceases to be an employee
because they have become slaves. Am I not on target here? If
discovering that you are a slave when you previously thought of
yourself as an employee makes you angry and maybe resentful as well,
that not only proves you are normal but also that you are functioning
on a higher level. It means you have a brain and you're not afraid to
use it. That's always a good thing. Hold that thought, please, while
I continue.
who wants to work and earn a paycheck should have the means to do so.
To tell someone that they are unneeded or unwanted is demeaning,
mean-spirited and can even be threatening. Why are there not enough
jobs for people that want one? Because we are working with a 19th
and 20th century
business and economic model in a 21st
century world! What happens when companies that are controlled by
their executive officers and are owned by their stockholders can no
longer make a profit? The company declares itself bankrupt and gets
liquidated through the courts, with all the proceeds going to the
stockholders and creditors of the now-defunct company. That is
exactly what happened with Hostess Brands. Everything for them and
nothing for the workers who built the company and made it profitable.
The top 1% gets to eat steak, but it's beans for the rest of us, as
if the American people are expected to put up with this untenable
situation in the American workplace indefinitely. Hostess is just the
tip of the iceberg.
everywhere, without exception and regardless of their background, is
entitled to a livelihood and to a living wage. That's why I've been
advocating a $12.00 per hour minimum wage in my writings since 2010
(I started out at $10.00 and just raised it to $12.00 on
my website recently).
Anyone who can find no suitable work can and should be retrained to
learn new skills, and access to higher education is no longer a
luxury in the 21st
century, it is a necessity. As such higher education is a basic human
right, and to deny anyone access to higher learning or Internet
access for purely economic reasons is a civil rights violation of the
highest order. Everyone has the right to be able to support and
sustain themselves and their families at a reasonable level of
success and comfort. Today in America, where 1 in 4 children will
depend on SNAP benefits in order to eat, clearly exactly the opposite
is occurring. In a country that is alleged to be the richest in the
world, this to me is inexcusable.
Of course I
can hear our “leaders” in Washington and their “presstitutes”
in the main stream media howling with derision already. We have a $16
trillion dollar deficit and I want to give everyone free higher
education? “Impossible”, they will retort. Let me spell this out
in black and white so everyone understands. If the US military's
combined forces took one day's expenditures from the ongoing and
increasingly pointless occupation of Afghanistan and deposited that
very sum of money into an interest-bearing account of most any kind,
the US would have enough cash money to send every American kid to
four years of college fully paid for including tuition, books, food,
transportation and Internet access. That's every kid from pre-K
through seniors in high school. It's not that we don't have the
money, it's just that our country's leadership is spending it on all
the wrong things.
So, how do
we end unemployment, homelessness and poverty for good? A job for
everyone who wants one, and paid training for those who don't qualify
(yet). According to the US Dept. of Labor, the average employee in
the 21st century will have to change careers up to as many
as 8 times during all their combined working years. Does the US Dept.
of Education, or the Dept. of Labor for that matter, seriously expect
US workers to take on up to 8 student loans and repay them over our
lifetimes while still buying cars, houses and boats? What planet are
these jokers from anyway? Education is a human right, and equal
opportunity for education for all regardless of background or
economic status is an American civil rights issue for the 21st
century and beyond. To exclude anyone from higher education for
economic reasons is discriminatory and therefore it is a civil rights
violation under the law. It is essential that America's middle and
working classes join together in unison to stand up to these
corporate bullies – the top 1%, and particularly the top .1
percent. Otherwise we will soon find ourselves out in the cold with
an uncertain future just like the Hostess workers across the nation.
We the 99% must fight back, otherwise we will all be crushed just
like the Air Traffic Controller's union was back in 1981.
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