The 'Flip
Side' of the Teachings of Jesus Christ
by pastor
Paul J. Bern
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this week's commentary I will, once again but from a different angle,
demonstrate that the teachings and presence of the Lord in Spirit and
in Truth are more relevant today than ever before. I'm not talking
religion and I'm not talking about doctrine, I'm just writing today
about Jesus Christ and what he taught, because people everywhere seem
to be hungry and thirsty for real truth and authenticity. So today I
am once again putting Jesus up on a pedestal where he belongs. My
topic is what we now call the Beatitudes of Christ, or just 'the
Beatitudes' for short. I'm going to give you 2 different sets of
quotes, the first from the apostle Matthew's gospel and the second
from Luke's. These are very powerful instructions from our Lord and
Savior, so let's examine what happens when we obey them, followed by
what can happen if we don't. So let me begin with Matthew chapter 5
and verse 2.
began to teach them, saying, 'Blessed are the poor in spirit, for
theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for
they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit
the earth. Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be
shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the sons of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness, for theirs is
the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you,
persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you because of me.
Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in
the same way they persecuted the prophets who came before you.'”
(Matthew 5, verses 3-12)
in spirit” could mean a couple of things. Besides those who are
dispirited and disenfranchised, it could also mean people who are
mentally depressed, and so by extension Jesus could have been taking
about the mentally ill or mentally challenged individuals. Most
likely it's all of the above. “Blessed
are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.”
Most often this verse is associated with those who have suffered the
loss of a loved one, particularly a spouse or a child. But this can
also mean those who have suffered catastrophic losses, like the
survivors of hurricanes and wildfires who have nothing but the
clothes they're wearing. They too will be comforted, because they
will regain much of what they have lost. Moreover, those who have
lost loved ones will see them again, and maybe sooner than we all
are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.”
Why? Because at some point in the fairly near future, all the warlike
people will kill each other off because of their addiction to
fighting and conflict. They thrive on it, so let it consume them. The
meek, mild, compassionate, loving and gentle people will be the only
ones left. Let those whose only motivations are anger and rage roast
in hell! “Blessed
are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be
Notice that it reads, “for they will be filled”. That means those
who get filled with righteousness will derive theirs from God,
through his only Son Jesus Christ. Those whose righteousness is
self-generated – this is, generated by the human ego instead
relying on the Holy Spirit – is egocentric by nature and is derived
from human emotions. So we can conclude that righteousness that is
received from above is from God, but self-righteousness is of Satan
and is Luciferian in nature. So the two are totally incompatible.
are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.”
Be forgiving and merciful towards others, and you will get the same
in return. Likewise, when we show mercy and kindness towards God's
creations – other people – we can expect the same from God.
Conversely, mean people – particularly those with violent tempers
and those who seem to be always angry – and those who commit
violent crimes such as murder (like school shootings!!) and forcible
rape, should expect no mercy from God whatsoever unless they repent
of their ways once and for good! “Blessed
are the pure in heart, for they will see God.”
Since we all have a sinful nature that we must work hard to control
(see Romans 3, verses 9-18), people who are “pure in heart” are
those who don't partake in the corrupt nature of the world in which
we live. That is, it is not possible for any human being to keep
his/her heart pure while they allow themselves to be surrounded by
the gross impurities of this world. Greed, malice, hate and
prejudice, wall-to-wall sex all the time, pornography, every kind of
addiction you can imagine, subliminal messaging and imagery designed
to program the human mind are just a sampling of what's out there.
All you “Christians” who look at porn, party at clubs all night,
use dangerous drugs like heroin and meth and so-called “spice”
(“artificial marijuana” that is neither), you had better take a
step or two away from what you're doing, and from the person you have
become, and take a good long look at yourselves. You don't have much
time left to get yourselves right with God.
are the peacemakers, for they will be called the sons of God.”
While this needs no explanation, it also says, 'Cursed are the
mercenaries who kill for profit, the politicians who send our sons
and daughters off to fight and die in wars that benefit only a few
people and their families. Cursed are those who pollute the earth
that God created and divert its resources exclusively for themselves,
causing hardship and starvation for hundreds of millions. Cursed are
they who deny electricity and clean drinking water to 25% of the
planet so they can keep it all for themselves. Cursed are they, for
they will be called the sons of the devil! “Blessed
are those who are persecuted for righteousness, for theirs is the
kingdom of heaven.”
All the Christians who have died or who will die for their faith,
fall into this category. So do all whistle-blowers within government
and industry, all of whom see, to die mysterious
deaths under equally mysterious circumstances. Rev. Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr., presidents Kennedy and Lincoln, as well as Malcolm X
all fall into this category.
are you when people insult you, persecute you and say all kinds of
evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is
your reward in heaven.”
If you have ever been cussed out, threatened, or physically attacked
by Christian haters, you know exactly what I mean. What's the flip
side of this one? Simple – if one has never had to defend one's
faith, the depth of one's belief is directly proportional to the
vigor with which one is compelled to defend one's faith. Conversely,
if we never talk to anyone about our faith and what Christ has done
in your life, our faith lacks depth, which limits how we interact
with the Risen Spirit of Christ the Lord. Never be afraid to talk to
others about your faith, because you never know when you can help
someone. You could even help lead a soul to their Savior, of whom
they were previously unaware. Jesus has already saved your soul,
hasn't he (but if not PLEASE ask him now!!)? So go and pay it
forward, that's your job! And now let me briefly quote from Luke's
woe to you who are rich, for you have already received your comfort.
Woe to you who are well fed now, for you will go hungry. Woe to you
who laugh now, for you will mourn and weep. Woe to you when all men
speak well of you, for that is how their fathers treated the false
(Luke 6, verses 24-26) So there you go, that sums things up rather
nicely, exactly what God's Word is saying to us, spoken through his
Son Jesus (or 'Yeshua' in Hebrew, the native language of Christ).
There are two sides to every teaching of Jesus, and sometimes more
than that. This is just one of dozens of examples throughout the
Bible where God's Word can mean more than one thing and still be
consistent. In the meantime, and in closing, everyone please continue
to pray for peace in our nation's schools, as well as in the Middle
East and on the Korean peninsula. Shalom....
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