Leaders and Our Media Keep Us
the Dark, Living in Fear
civil unrest and rioting in Egypt has been in the headlines all week.
The Obama administration and the Lame Stream Media are finding
themselves in a lose-lose situation. If they choose to back the
democratically elected president Morsi, they risk Egypt turning into
a Muslim fundamentalist state. In that event, Morsi's government
stands to inherit a stockpile of military weapons like jet fighters,
tanks, machine guns and a whole host of advanced hardware like cruise
missiles supplied by none other than the United States. So the Obama
administration's next move could be to cut off all aid to Egypt,
including military aid, in a frantic effort to keep these American
weapons from being used against innocent civilians. Unfortunately for
Obama and the US military, the proverbial cat is already out of the
bag in this regard. If the Muslim Brotherhood gets their hands on
those weapons, it will be civil war for sure. If they don't, or are
prevented from reaching them, then they will be slaughtered by the
Egyptian military. Either way, American weapons will be used. Shame
on us for not standing up to Congress and the President, and for not
voicing our outrage soon enough.
also watched a video on my computer this past week where the news
reporter referred to the Egyptian and Syrian rebels as ‘freedom
fighters’. It led me to ponder why so many people were willing to
accept at face value the agenda in the current US administration as
well as the British government. It also led me to conclude just how
easy it has been to manipulate ordinary people into backing
imperialist ventures abroad, which are fought on behalf of rich
people's interests. At a time of biting austerity in Europe (or its
American code word, 'sequestration') and attacks on workers and the
middle class, billions of dollars of ordinary people’s money was
used to fund the illegal bombing of Libya, the Syrian civil war, and
the ongoing drone attacks of America's clandestine wars.
justification sold to people for such militarism is that dictators
are bad. The justification sold to people for attacking or
destabilizing countries resulting in mass death is that democracy
must therefore be forced through by the barrel of a gun. Isn’t it
terrible, the politicians and media say, that Syria's Bashar al-Assad
is a brutal dictator who is preventing democracy by putting down the
rebels? The Assad regime undoubtedly has its faults, but nothing is
ever said by the corporate media about the authoritarian ruling
clique in Saudi Arabia, which has even given its name to that country
(House of Saud). Nothing is ever said about a western backed dictator
in Bahrain who has been in power for 52 years. Nothing is ever
revealed about the brutal ongoing crackdowns on protestors and
dissenters in those countries. When Bahrain used Saudi troops to put
down uprisings in 2011, the resultant death toll was proportionally
much larger than was the loss of life in Egypt during the uprising
there. In fact, if the death toll in Bahrain were taken as a
proportion of the population, the equivalent death toll for Egypt
would have been 12,000.
was the outrage from the US and its client states? That’s right,
there was none. The King of Bahrain was even invited to attend Queen
Elizabeth’s Jubilee celebrations at Buckingham Palace. As it did in
Libya, repressive Saudi Arabia is playing a big role in facilitating
the rag-tag rebels in Syria to destabilize a sovereign state that
stands in the way of NATO and Israeli interests. And far away, back
in Britain and the US, the public is being fed a pack of lies by
politicians and the mainstream media about the situation in Syria,
just as it has been over other military adventures over the past
decade. The majority of westerners don’t have much of a clue about
what is really happening. They are unaware that Syria forms part of
the greater game in the region. They fail to see the links between
Egypt, Syria, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq and
Iran, which are all part of a Washington-led wider geo-political
strategy hell-bent on global domination, controlling the world’s
mineral resources, its pipeline routes, and lining the pockets of
western financiers and oil, armaments and logistics companies. Too
many remain confused or ignorant thanks to duplicitous politicians
and the compliant corporate media.
public cannot know the reality. They will not be allowed to know, or
at least for as long as the powers-that-be can get away with it. We
are being kept in fear and in the dark and deceived by politicians
and the media that churn out increasingly tired-sounding clichés
about a war on terror or humanitarian militarism to justify murderous
brutality. And the result is that too many people accept the lie that
rag-tag forces made up of vicious, faction-ridden fighters, illegally
armed by NATO terror governments and unelected regimes in Saudi and
Qatar, are fighting for freedom and democracy. Those forces and
nations wouldn’t know about freedom and democracy if they were hit
in the face with it. Sorry, my mistake, they would and they do.
That’s why they seek to crush it out of existence as soon as it
appears. And that applies whether it appears within the borders of
the US, Britain or Saudi Arabia, or elsewhere in places that are of
strategic importance to them. The US track record of crushing
democratic governments is well documented by the likes of Noam
Chomsky, Chris Hedges and historian William Blum. And look no further
to see the attacks on WikiLeaks or the Occupy Movement to see how
democratic movements are treated at home. Look no further to see how
democratic workers’ movements that took hundreds of years to build
in Britain and elsewhere, and for the last 100 years here in the US,
and in Europe are under sustained attack. Giving the people the
opportunity to vote every four or five years, while in the meantime
deceiving, misinforming and lying to them, has no more to do with
democracy or freedom than what is happening in Syria right now.
more ordinary folk were to turn their attention away from glossy
sports events, cheap Sunday morning political debate, reality shows,
talent contests or all other forms of comatose infotainment on our
TV's for one minute, they might well realize that the billionaire
criminal elites that take their taxes and dictate national and
foreign policy are in many cases a good deal worse than any number of
the regimes they seek to demonize.
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