Hitler Syndrome – Why Ordinary People
Adopting the Tactics of Tyrants
acts of tyranny have been cropping up lately like cancer tumors: a
food tyrant in Nevada raids a farm picnic and orders everyone to
destroy their food (,
or student protesters in California get pepper-sprayed by thuggish
cops who clearly enjoy causing pain and suffering
I watched all this with a sense of sadness and disgrace for the human
race. And then a realization hit me like a sledgehammer; people are
only following the examples set by others.
random acts of tyranny aren't really random acts at all. They are the
infantile acting-out of behaviors the childish American public has
witnessed being demonstrated by their "leaders." The TSA
sexually molesting air travelers isn't just a violation of
fundamental human rights – it's also a demonstration to the
mindless masses that this is now "normal" behavior in
society. So as the masses observe Big Government reaching down their
own pants, they now get the message that it's okay to sexually molest
little boys at sports stadiums, or that it's okay to take children
away from parents through C.P.S. and then rape them as part of child
relocation "processing" procedures.
the American people saw George Bush set up secret military prisons
and condone water-boarding torture techniques, only to see even more
of the same from president Barack Obama after voting Bush's party out
of the White House, we the people are calling for Obama to stop this
practice for good. Obama promised he would end torture, and then not
long after becoming President, he expanded Guantanamo in Cuba and
actually presided over an increase in funding for the military and
all its secret torture facilities. The message to the American
people? If Obama supports it, then torture must be okay. After all,
he won a Nobel Peace Prize, so "peace" must be something
that can be achieved through torture. Thus, we should not be at all
surprised when torture increases under a new presidential
administration. After all, those U.S. leaders do to other human
beings exactly what they've been told is permissible. And yet, for
some reason, these high-level government operatives who engage in
these same torture techniques are never even questioned. This
phenomenon of everyday American people mirroring the behavior of
federal "authorities" who act as tyrants needed a name, and
as I began to ponder this issue, the name came to me in a flash: I'm
calling this phenomenon AHS, which stands for Acute Hitler Syndrome.
Hitler Syndrome
as children mimic the actions of their parents, the childish minds of
the insecure (and fear-pummeled) mainstream masses also mimic the
actions of their parental role models. To many Americans – and
especially those of a more liberal mindset – government takes on
the role of their parents. The government is supposed to tell you
what to eat, what to buy, what to believe and of course how to
express your patriotism when needed to justify the latest war
launched by a Nobel-Peace-Prize-winning warmonger. Government is the
"authority" and the problem solver in the lives of these
people. So naturally, in their childish mindset they seek to
replicate the behaviors their parental role models are openly
how this looks on the street: Your average city police officer is a
wannabe tyrant who now, by watching the criminality of the federal
government, feels he has permission to engage in the same tactics of
intimidation and arrogance in ruling over the public (rather than
serving to protect them). That's why so many big-city police officers
have recently morphed into paramilitary jack-booted thugs; dressing
in black, unlawfully arresting people for no justifiable reason,
tasering innocent victims in wheelchairs, and generally acting out
what is essentially a childish reflection of the very same tyranny
they witness being demonstrated by high-level tyrants in Washington
D.C. The FBI, for its part, is busy actually masterminding the very
same "terror plots" that it then magically "prevents"
with great fanfare. As recently exposed in The Guardian (and other
newspapers), the FBI actually develops terror plots, provides the
plans, weapons, funding, motivation and equipment necessary for these
"terrorists" to carry out those plots
This is a whole lot like playing a "big-boy" version of
Cowboys and Indians, where all the scenarios are completely
fabricated merely for the purpose of playing games as a source of
Hitler Syndrome is also now being seen in local schools, where
"zero-tolerance" rules get children kicked out of the
public education system for merely bringing a butter knife in their
home-packed lunch, for example. Or a child caught with an aspirin
tablet is labeled a "drug abuser" and condemned to special
remediation classes. The tyrants
are everywhere in American society now. Think about the
tyrants that have now descended upon you in your own life -- the
tyrant down at the DMV, the tyrant dog license enforcer, the tyrant
building inspector and the tyrant food service worker, also sometimes
known as "soup Nazis."
you really think about it, there are tyrants everywhere now in
American culture. The fabric of fear and terror is being woven into
that fabric with every "the threat level is now orange"
alert put out by George Bush, or every "spy on your neighbors"
message broadcast by the ogre of offensive tyrants, DHS head Janet
Napolitano (and let's not forget Janet Reno, the USAG who ordered 84
men, women and children to be roasted alive in Waco, Texas in April
1993). What these people claim to be doing – "stopping
terrorism" – pales in comparison to what they're really doing;
setting examples to be followed by every single person across America
who finds himself or herself in a position of authority. That's
it!We'll just ALL be tyrants! What a perfect solution.
innocents is now politically correct behavior
its moronic (and completely fabricated) war on terror, the national
leadership in the USA has made it politically correct to terrorize
anyone over whom you exercise power. If you're a librarian, you can
terrorize little children over past-due books (that is, if children
actually read books at all anymore). If you're a septic tank
inspector, you can terrorize people over the layout of their septic
pipes. If you're a doctor, you can terrorize people over flu shots
and chemotherapy, all being aggressively pushed with the very same
fear tactics now used at the highest levels of national government.
The impact of all this is even international: Egypt's secret police
group, famous for torturing dissidents, has just renamed itself
"Homeland Security" in what appears to be homage to the
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
"Should we be concerned that a dictatorship which refuses to bow
to the will of the people and allow democratic elections to proceed
while engaging in savage attacks on demonstrators is re-naming itself
after America’s foremost post-9/11 federal agency?", writes
Paul Joseph Watson. "Egyptian authorities are justifying their
brutal crackdown against protesters, with dozens killed over the last
few days, by pointing to how U.S. law enforcement bodies are taking a
'firm stance' against Occupy Wall Street protesters."
Hitler Syndrome happens because the political leaders of America have
broadcast a message across the nation that terrorizing innocent
people is not merely okay, but downright patriotic! Anyone who says
they're not going along with all the terror nonsense, the
spy-on-your-neighbor paranoia and the
"worship-your-imperialist-government" cultism is
immediately branded an "extremist." It's now "extreme"
to not believe in torture and home-grown terror as a way to keep the
“sheeple” in line. "Extremism" is now defined as
opening your eyes, asking some commonsense questions, and refusing to
follow the hypnotized masses as they are marched off a high cliff by
the globalist population controllers.
thinking for yourself, it turns out, is now "extreme." It's
a brave new world after all, I suppose. Fear and paranoia is being
marketed to the public in an attempt to transform the citizenry into
a grand spy ring. The social acceptance of spying on your neighbors
and promoting fear has reached a new fervor across America, very
nearly reflecting that of Nazi Germany in the late 1930's. It's now
okay to call 911 on somebody merely because they happen to be writing
something down on a scrap of paper in a public park (that's one of
the signs of possible terrorism, according to ludicrous DHS public
service videos that only breed paranoid thinking). It's now okay to
spy on everyone around you and secretly observe them to see what
they're doing. It's now your duty to watch over every scrap of
luggage at the airport and start screaming about terror threats if
some poor sap walks more than 10 feet away from his bags for a few
seconds. Recently, East Carolina University was thrust into a state
of "lock down" for 3 hours after some spy-on-your-neighbor
citizens reported a man walking around with an "assault rifle."
That assault rifle, of course, turned out to be nothing more than a
black umbrella (
this is the level of outrageous hallucinations and total lunatic
paranoia that has been unleashed on the American people today by a
fear-mongering, imperialist government which worships fear and terror
with almost cult-like zealousness. And they call conspiracy theorists
paranoid? Maybe they should look in the mirror sometime; no
well-informed conspiracy investigator would ever mistake an umbrella
for an assault rifle in broad daylight.
antidote is People Power
there's a ready solution to all this. The antidote to Acute Hitler
Syndrome is decentralized management, a non-hierarchical model that
can also be called "grassroots People power." There will be
no more psycho managers, control freaks or power mongers. This is
what happens when ordinary, everyday citizens realize that all
government power comes from the People and that government is the
servant of the People, not the other way around. So they take to the
streets and protest. They take their money out of the accounts of
globalist banks. They stop buying GMO's. They fight against water
fluoridation in their local towns. They spread the word about Ron
Paul back in '08. People Power
is so powerful that it will sooner or later overcome Acute Hitler
Syndrome, but only if enough people actually remember what liberty
actually feels like. That's why I urge you to practice liberty in
everything you do. Don't settle for tyranny when you can insist on
liberty! After all, the Bill of Rights guarantees you a number of
extremely important rights, many of which are now being quickly
eroded. Stand up for restoring those rights and you will empower the
phenomenon of People Power (grassroots liberty as defined in the
Declaration of Independence as being “life, liberty and the pursuit
of happiness”), which is the ultimate solution against Acute Hitler
can also defend liberty by practicing common courtesy (and common
sense) in your own positions of power. Don't terrorize people just
because you can. Exercise common human decency and compassion for
those who deserve your assistance. When you practice random acts of
kindness, you alter the entire emotional landscape across America,
replacing fear with kindness, replacing terror with confidence,
turning negatives into positives everywhere we go. If corporate CEOs
would practice this, then most corporations would probably go out of
business because they're mostly in the business of screwing people
over for a profit. Remember,"There is no such thing as a
victimless billionaire". That level of wealth accumulation
simply doesn't happen without taking from lots of others in the
process. But remember: In the end, kindness will always win out over
terror. Good triumphs over evil. Spread a little around, and you'll
see what a world of difference it can really make. And try to
remember not to carry black umbrellas around any liberal college
campuses, or you'll quickly find out what Acute Hitler Syndrome
really looks like.
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