Was Just Wondering Why
Christians Don't “Occupy”
light of all the recent news reports about the rioting in Brazil and
the civil war in Syria, I have recently concluded that an
Occupy-style political movement is the next logical step in the
evolution of the protests down there. A more illogical step would be
an internal conflict as bad as Syria's has become, provided that the
Brazilian government doesn't foolishly force the hands of the
protesters to take more drastic action. This reminds me of the Occupy
Wall Street movement worldwide. When “Occupy DC” got started on
Oct. 6, 2011 at Freedom Plaza, I was there for the first three days
before returning to Atlanta. But there is one thing I have noticed
since becoming a part of this movement nearly two years ago. Trying
to get a conservative American Christian to join the Occupy movement
is like trying to get the Pope to convert to Judaism or persuading an
orthodox Jew to convert to Islam. My informal research tells me that
conservative Christians from other nations are far more politically
liberal than their American counterparts.
is there such resistance by conservative American Christians to the
Occupy movement? After all, aren't those in the Occupy movement
trying to speak out for those in need and against an economic system
based on greed? Why would any conservative American Christian not
want to join a group that tells us that our future depends on how
well we cooperate with each other? The same thing goes for the “We
Are The 99%” movement, which I chronicled in my 2011 book,
Class Manifesto”. I also can't imagine why any rational person
would have a problem with people who are protesting against economic
inequality and endless wars. And why would any American Christian not
want to join a group that promotes a more participatory and balanced
democracy than what we have now?
some writers from the Left have attributed the political convictions
of American conservative Christians to their faith. So what we have
is a group of people mixing their religion with their politics for
personal gain. The problem with this line of reasoning is that there
are conservative Christians who also promote social justice and
support more liberal and even Leftist views. The majority of such
Christians, however, are not American. This should give us a hint of
why many conservative American Christians are not occupying today.
The reason for why they are not occupying is not because of their
faith but because of something else. But what would that something
else be?
one is raised as a conservative Christian in America, there are
certain associations made with the faith. One such association is
made between American patriotism and Christianity. We were taught
since when we were born that our nation was founded as a Christian
nation by Christian Founding Fathers. Therefore, the American way, at
least back when America was still a Christian nation, is the
Christian way, so to criticize our Founding Fathers is to ridicule
God and protesting against this Christian nation of ours is
tantamount to attacking the Gospel.
attempt at reconciling our nation's history with the notion that
America was ever a Christian nation places enormous demands on one's
logical skills. While it is true that many of our founding fathers
were Christians, the genocide and ethnic cleansing of the America's
indigenous people combined with our nation's abuse and persecution of
Black Americans, both up through and after the Civil War up until the
1964 Civil Rights Act, along with our emerging empire and use of
dictators as proxy rulers over other countries, make it problematic
to reconcile our history with Jesus Christ. And even when our history
is partially acknowledged by the conservative American Christians,
there seems to be an emotional disconnect that protects such a
Christian from the dissonance that would otherwise be clanging forth.
That is, we might acknowledge some of the abuses in the past, but we
can still seriously call ourselves a Christian nation and a "city
on the hill" without batting an eye? In the end, what the
patriotic American Christian is saying to the world is that, despite
the evidence, we must feel good about ourselves. We demand our
Constitutional right to self-exalt, forgetting Jesus' warning about
this very thing when he said, “Those who exalt themselves will
be humbled, but they who humble themselves will be exalted”.
what goes for American Patriotism, goes for capitalism. After all,
since capitalism is our economic system and we are a Christian
nation, logic seems to dictate that capitalism has become God's
preferred economy. We supplement this reason with some common sense,
reasoning that since the greatest prosperity in the history of the
world has been enjoyed by Americans and we practice capitalism,
capitalism must be God's economy. Such an argument has a point. That
is, we as a nation have experienced some of the greatest prosperity
in the history of the world. But there is a problem lurking in the
shadows. For just as we must acknowledge the high level of prosperity
we have enjoyed, we must also ask a very damning question. That
question is, when in the history of capitalism has it prospered
without exploiting large numbers of people? Many times those who were
exploited were hidden from the view of most Americans though their
invisibility does not contradict the fact that they were exploited.
so what caused the Occupy and the “99%” Movements to emerge in
2011 continues to this day, and that fact is that far too large of a
percentage of Americans have now become the victims of the same
capitalist economy that they helped create. All of our hard work was
for nothing. In fact, it has backfired on us all in the worst
possible way by making homeless people out of formerly middle class
workers. This has angered a whole lot of people, and rightfully so
since we are on the receiving end of economic and social injustice
every time we turn around. As a result, we have the current
Occupy/99% Movements. These movements are challenging American
patriotism by opposing the endless wars for profit while challenging
capitalism by insisting that people and their needs have priority
over those profits. Thus, suggesting that being patriotic and
practicing capitalism has spread more evil than good is to try to
Occupy the Gospel because of the close association many conservative
Christians have made between it and both patriotism and capitalism.
They that do this are forgetting the historical reasons for Jesus'
crucifixion. He preached against organized government, which
infuriated the Romans, and against organized religion, which enraged
the Jewish ruling council of that time. If Jesus came back today, the
conservative Christians, Evangelicals, and Charismatics would crucify
him all over again.
there is still another reason why conservative American Christians
have still not joined the Occupy movement. That is because the Occupy
movement is seen as a protest movement that does not respect
authority. From an early age, conservative American Christians were
injected with spiritual steroids when being taught to respect
authority, exclusively from Romans 13 of course while ignoring the 4
Gospels, so that we not only learned to respect authority, we were
compelled to worship it. We see authority figures as our saviors, and
that is idolatry! To challenge the authorities, as it states in
Romans 13: verses 1-5, is to challenge God himself because it is God
who has put in charge every authority figure.
side effect of our hyper regard for authority can be seen in our
preference for labels over concepts and thus for credentials over
reason. For example, we have taught to so respect our conservative
teachers that we now have great difficulty in distinguishing between
between conservative theologies and conservative politics and between
liberal theologies and liberal politics. As a result, some tend to
uncritically accept the tenets of conservative politics, not because
it is biblical, which it is not, but because it has the conservative
label. Likewise others will automatically reject, and have a phobic
reaction to, liberal and leftist policies because of that label. This
knee-jerk acceptance of whatever is conservative and rejection of
whatever not conservative enables authoritarianism. For examples of
this we need only look to Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia and Kim Jong
Un's North Korea, among numerous others. And just as self-exaltation
is the reason why we equate American patriotism and capitalism with
Christianity, so self-interest is the reason why we have a hyper
regard for those in authority. That self-interest tells us to be good
little boys and girls so that those in charge will reward us rather
than spank us. And perhaps, it is a desire to remain children that
leads us to authoritarianism's embrace over the self-rule that the
Occupy and 99% Movements have been practicing. It is the desire to
spend more time playing than making responsible decisions, to spend
more time enjoying our trivial pursuits than being bogged down with
the serious issues of life, and how we will be with one another that
causes us to prefer rule by elites than autonomy. The reason why most
conservative American Christians won't occupy isn't because of their
faith, it is because of the extra ingredients added to their faith.
Meaning, their faith is polluted with worldly things and concerns,
another thing Jesus warned us about when he said, “A man cannot
serve two masters. He will either cling to one and despise the other,
or he will serve the other and reject the former. You cannot serve
both God and materialism”.
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