The Beast
Called Capitalism
by Paul J.
from chapter 4 of his latest release, "Occupying
America: We Shall Overcome")
is it so untouchable and radical to even suggest auditing the Federal
Reserve to those in charge of it? In my research I found that many
believe that if our Government dared to audit the Federal Reserve (as
you would naturally do with any business that handled huge flows of
your money) its books would be so horrifyingly off that they would
have to be shut down. Clear back in June 2009 CNBC did an interview
with Jim Grant, editor of Grant Interest Rate Observer. He
essentially told them that the Federal Reserve couldn't possibly
withstand the scrutiny of an audit and it would have to be shut down
if the money discrepancies and disaster were known.
has been known for some time that the Fed is not part of our
Government, but a private corporation we did stupid business with
back in 1913. Lately, we see them making all kinds of money on our
out-of-control “national debt” (a loan-sharking scheme if ever
there was one), paying off big banking friends with back door deals
and simply growing our debt that they and their cronies are making
tons of money off of. Think of the orgy of delight they have going.
No audit since 1913. I can think of several reasons are clearly
stated as to why the Federal Reserve is at the heart of our economic
meltdown. Just a few of these include:
• The
Fed is a debt based financial system.
• The
Fed has a monopoly on the creation of this debt based money.
• The
power of money creation and debt creation is in the hands of private
individuals, not the US Government, according to the US
• The
Federal Reserve itself is not much of a profit – making
institution. Rather it is a tool that enables others to make obscene
amounts of money.
• The
Federal Reserve has decided to play bizarre games of questionable
legality with our money.
• The
Federal Reserve is undemocratic while it runs an American economy
based on democracy. Calling this a conflict of interest is putting
it mildly.
the branches of Government – including the allegedly “private”
company of the FED must be audited and held accountable to the
American people or be shut down. There needs to be national and
constitutional reasons to even keep Federal departments open, such as
the Dept. of Energy, Dept. of Education and a whole host of others. I
want to know if they are doing their jobs or duplicating the work of
states. Regarding the Dept. of energy, hmmmm – after decades, are
we energy independent yet? Do we have more nuclear, oil and natural
gas infrastructure? Have we been able to disengage from OPEC and
start exporting energy? No, no, and no. It is time to shut them all
The final
example of counterfeit wealth that I will cite in this chapter is
that of the collapsing US real estate market. It is apparent to all
who have been keeping track of this collapse that this has all been
by design. Wall Street and the banking sector, combined with real
estate and mortgage brokers who were too smart for their own good,
have run American property values right into the ground for their own
enrichment. In the process, the US middle and working classes have
seen their single biggest investment that they will ever make –
their homes, vacation homes and other investment properties –
continue to lose resale value like a troublesome car that needs an
expensive repair. It costs more to keep either of them than regular
working folks can afford. Housing
prices are likely to keep falling the rest of this year, and probably
won't show much improvement in 2013 either, according to a survey of
economists. A CNNMoney exclusive survey of 27 economists showed the
battered US housing market is facing myriad problems and won't turn
around anytime soon. The median forecast was for a 3.9% decline in
the second quarter compared to a year earlier, and a 2.9% drop in
prices over the course of the full year. I firmly believe that there
will be further significant declines in home prices in order to set a
true bottom for the market. To put it succinctly, the
bottom of the housing crash is yet to be determined. Homeowners and
lenders alike are justifiably apprehensive about the possible outcome
and its repercussions.
definite outcome will be the death of American suburbia, or at least
as we have known it. For
decades, Americans have consumed more energy, built bigger houses,
and driven more miles with each passing year, but not anymore. Along
the way, there were three inexorable trends at the base of the
societal pyramid. First, we plowed more energy into our homes each
and every year. We cooled and heated our houses more (sometimes
wastefully, sometimes not), brought in more and more appliances,
added televisions and computers and phones. Per capita electricity
shot up from about 4,000 kilowatt-hours per US resident in 1980 to
over 13,000 kilowatt-hours by the 2000s. Second, we needed more
electricity because our houses got huge. The median home size shot up
from about 1,500 square feet in the early 1970s to more than 2,200
square feet in the mid-2000's. Third, we drove more and more miles
every year to get around and between our sprawled-out cities. Back in
1960, Americans drove 0.72 trillion miles. By 2000, that number had
reached 2.75 trillion miles. In 2007, the last year this data is
available as of this writing, vehicle miles traveled hit 3.02
The beast
called capitalism is so consumed with its own greed that it has
started feeding on itself. The interest that is accruing on the money
it lends is adding up faster than the principals can be repaid.
Capitalism constantly tries to fill its belly, craving to soothe a
spiritual hunger that it has mistaken for physical needs and wants.
Capitalism has the whole world, from developed countries like the US,
Canada and Europe to third world backwater nations, drowning in
endless debt. It is similar to someone who is “upside down” on a
home loan or a car note, owing more on the home or vehicle than it's
worth. It is also noticeably similar to what is happening with
student loans, with the interest accruing faster than the principal
can be paid down due to the income limitations of the recent
graduates – assuming they have any income at all. Interest on the
national debts of other developed countries is also adding up faster
than their debts can ever be repaid. Therefore big banking
effectively “owns” those countries. Why conquer a country when
you can just buy one by burying it with debt? Nice people.
But lately
I have observed that things have reached a tipping point, and there
is a real possibility that some countries could be forced to default
on their own obligations, ruining their credit ratings and making it
difficult, if not impossible, for them to borrow additional funds to
pay off their previously incurred debts. In other words these
countries, especially the US, are taking out loans to pay off other
loans, and there is no practical way this practice can be continued.
It's all just a great big Ponzi scheme, and it will come to an end,
as all Ponzi schemes do. And when that happens, you better look out.
But even if all this turns out to be a false alarm, there are 4 other
ways that America's economy can be seriously disrupted, but which
will not affect the top 1%.
Another war, and America is preparing for
exactly that. So are Russia, China and the Arab countries, in case
you didn't notice. The other Asian Muslim countries such as those in
southwestern Russia and Pakistan would also be included. There are
also the wild card countries of Israel and North Korea. If either of
those countries goes to war, particularly Israel, take cover
immediately or go home and stay there until it's safe, because the
nukes will definitely be flying. This is not a drill.
[2] A
natural disaster, which is inevitable sooner
or later, particularly within the USA. For example, a category 4 or 5
hurricane hits the Houston, Texas area where the majority of
America's oil refineries are located, disrupting US fuel supplies for
weeks. In that event, gas prices would go to between $5.00 and $7.00
per gallon, if any fuel can be had at all. Another example:
earthquakes. From what I know about American earthquake fault lines,
having studied the matter in my spare time, is that anyone living on
the US west coast or along the upper Mississippi river valley should
seriously consider moving starting right now. Ditto for floods,
particularly in the upper Midwestern US, parts of Louisiana, and
south Florida. You are free to disagree with me on any or all of
these points, of course, but those who choose to ignore me do so at
their own risk.
[3] An
oil embargo or blockade, with particular
focus on Saudi Arabia and Iran. America imports over one fourth of
its petroleum from Saudi Arabia. Although it is considered an
American ally, it has much closer ties to the Islamic republics and
dictatorships of the Middle East than Washington would like you to
think. If Saudi Arabia were to turn against us in a future Mideast
war, it would result in immediate gas rationing here at home. Then
there is the wild card of Iran and its proximity to the Strait of
Hormuz where the Arabian sea empties into the Indian ocean. Fully 20%
of all the world's oil flows through this narrow stretch of water. If
Iran closes the Strait of Hormuz, the world's economy would go into a
tailspin. Here at home, if either one of these scenarios were to play
themselves out, we will see gas prices well in excess of $6.00 per
gallon. As in the second possibility listed above, the price of
gallon of gas could spike to in excess of $7.00 per gallon. Either of
these occurrences would plunge the entire world into an economic
depression, and into a third world war as well.
[4] A
large-scale terrorist attack anywhere in the
world and especially here in the US, with the most likely scenarios
being chemical, biological, or nuclear in nature. Another possibility
is the release of an Electromagnetic Pulse, or EMP, that would
disable Internet, wireless, aviation, TV and radio communication for
days or weeks, maybe even months in a worst-case example. In that
event, the majority of our electronic equipment would have to be
replaced, from our computers to our telephone and utility networks.
Even the on-board computers in our cars and trucks would have to be
replaced, meaning our engines will not start and our GPS devices
would be useless. The avionics in many modern planes, including
military aircraft, would cease to function, grounding all of them. In
other words, an EMP would shut down the entire country, or at least
parts of it, depending on how close to the source one may be. As in
the examples above, economic and social pandemonium would result. The
only two good things that I see that could come from that particular
event is that it would destroy capitalism, since big banking and Wall
Street's infrastructure are heavily dependent on computer technology,
and it would destroy or render useless much of the military hardware
currently in existence, making waging war impossible.
As the
capitalist economic system continues to implode in slow motion like
the twin towers of 9-11, the top 1% have become acutely aware of the
fact that they are almost out of time. They are rushing to patch up
the system just a little bit longer so that they can continue to milk
America's economy and assets dry. By the same token, they are worried
about the rise of the Occupy and 99% Movements, and rightfully so.
The wealthy and well-connected top 1% see these movements as a threat
– and well they should – and I am proud to be affiliated with
them both. They are concerned that America's people might decide to
take back what was taken from them, which is the Constitutional
ownership of this great land of ours. And so the top 1% are waging an
economic and class-based civil war within the boundaries of the
United States against the remaining 99% of us, the true-blue and
red-blooded backbone of America. We the people, as our Constitution
says, are the true owners of this land of ours because that's what
our laws say, and we are a nation of law-abiding and mostly peaceful
people. As it is written in the Declaration of Independence, “In
order to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men
and women, deriving their just powers from the consent of the
governed, to such an extent that whenever any form of government
becomes destructive to these ends, it becomes the right of the
American people to alter or abolish it” …
on these words written by Thomas Jefferson, 21st
century Americans of all races, nationalities, religions and
backgrounds have a moral obligation and a spiritual duty to alter or
abolish the US government in its current form for the primary purpose
of crafting a replacement, even if it means calling another
Constitutional Convention – something that hasn't happened in too
long a time. Who knows what the future might hold – only God knows.
But if we unite together as one American people, we most definitely
do have the power to change its outcome.
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