A Stand Against War
nation ever profited from a long war.” – Sun Tzu
commentary is about the ongoing and undeclared war in Afghanistan and
the fact that no good is apparently coming from it. As far as I am
concerned, no Christian can be a true follower of Christ unless they
are willing to take a stand against war in all its forms. In order to
worship the Prince of Peace you must first and foremost be a peaceful
person yourself. You cannot be warlike and then worship Christ in the
same breath, the two are incompatible with one another. War is about
killing and being killed. It is bloody and gory beyond description.
It is so bad that even those who survive the conflict are often left
with mental scars that never heal. Thousands of veterans are homeless
today partly because they suffer from mental illnesses of one kind or
another. In fact, one out of five veterans of the Iraq war #1, Iraq
war #2, and Afghanistan campaigns return home with psychiatric
disabilities so severe that they will never work again. That's what
war does to people.
a statistic about the illegal occupation of Afghanistan that most
people are barely aware of: $57,000.00 per minute. That's how much
money the United States is spending on the illegal occupation of
Afghanistan. That works out to a
million dollars a year for each man we have in Afghanistan. The
Afghanistan War has been going on for eleven years and counting.
Nearly 100,000 American troops are currently deployed there. More
than 2,000 American service members have lost their lives there. The
United States has wasted billions on the effort so far. Yet polling
suggests that the war in Afghanistan is barely a blip on the public's
a nationwide New York Times/CBS News poll conducted last year, 60
percent of Americans said that the economy or jobs were the most
important problems facing the country. A mere 3 percent mentioned
Afghanistan or the war. The war is all but forgotten while death and
destruction grinds on. For example, in September, at the NATO
hospital doctors amputated a major limb – a leg or arm – an
average of once every other day according to Navy Capt. Michael
Mullins, a hospital spokesman. The number of civilian dead and
wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan stands in the hundreds of thousands.
The cost of the Iraq war alone is likely to be more than three
trillion dollars.
National Security Advisor says there are less than 100 Al Qaeda
operatives in Afghanistan and we have over 100,000 troops and
probably as many mercenaries chasing them. Maintaining one American
soldier in Afghanistan for one year costs one million dollars. This
expenditure could be for twenty jobs at home with a salary of $50,000
each. There are now over 90,000 battlefield casualties from the Iraq
and Afghanistan Wars. Over 500,000 veterans patients from the two
wars (not counting Iraq #1) have flooded into VA hospitals and
clinics. That's one new war casualty walking into a VA medical
facility every five minutes of every day – about 9,000 new patients
every month with no end in sight.
Iraqis still don't have a real government and Christians are being
ethnically cleansed. 190,000 AK-47s handed out by the US Army to
Iraqi security force recruits vanished and wound up in the hands of
militants. Afghani soldiers may be shooting our own troops! The total
D.O.D. budget for the current fiscal year is over $700 billion. It is
an amount just under what the entire rest of the world spends for
defense and most of them are allies. America's defense budget is
about three times the combined budgets of China, Russia, Cuba, North
Korea, and Iran. The Defense Department spends in a few hours more
than al Qaeda spends in an entire year. For this post-World War II
high in spending, we get the smallest Army, Navy, and Air Force we
have had since 1946. And, our tanks, ships, and aircraft are, on
average, older than they have ever been before.
Pentagon budget does not include what we pay for foreign aid, arms
sales and arms control, Veterans, Homeland Security, the Pentagon's
share of interest on the national debt, and other defense
expenditures like nuclear weapons that are hidden in the energy
department. To tally up our entire national security budget, we are
cozy with $1 trillion. How many jobs could this wasteful spending
that is bankrupting America generate?
many indeed! What a beautiful world it would be if there were no more
wars, and all the money that was formerly spent on them was
redirected towards peaceful pursuits for the advancement of science
and medicine, and for the exploration, commercialization and eventual
colonization of the moon and planets. Meanwhile back on earth,
everybody would get a free college education, national health care
and senior care and there would be gleaming new infrastructure
everywhere. There would be a vigorous space program that will put the
first city on the moon and the first man on Mars. There would be no
more disease in the third world because everybody would have access
to fresh water. Untold millions could be fed, and all with the money
that used to be spent on wars. Just think of the limitless
look at this another way. If the US military took all the money spent
in one single day on its wartime expenditures and put it into a
savings account, there would be enough funds to pay for the college
education of every school kid in America from pre-K through high
school – tuition, books, dorms, food, transportation and a new
portable PC. Let me give you another example. The money in our
hypothetical bank account from one day's military expenditures would
be sufficient to take every homeless person in America off the street
and put them into a 2,500 square foot house – fully furnished,
stocked with groceries, and with all utilities included. And yes, I
meant they would own the home free and clear. Hopefully that puts
into focus the obscene amount of money our country is spending on
wars overseas.
what could America do with all that money currently being squandered
on illegal military occupations and endless wars that serve only the
top one tenth of one percent of the American corporate establishment?
First and most obvious is the dire need to rebuild America's
infrastructure, such as widening and repaving roads, rebuilding or
replacing worn out bridges, and ditto for sewage and drainage systems
across the country. Then there is the problem with America's
ramshackle power grid. The US electrical power grid is based on
technology that is over 125 years old. Certain people have been too
busy resting on their laurels and depositing their paychecks instead
of doing their jobs, otherwise this critically necessary rebuild
would already be well under way. In point of fact, America needs to
convert to a digital low-voltage direct-current power grid that can
be run far more cheaply than the existing 110 volt grid. Remember,
the higher the voltage required, the more current is necessary to
generate it. So, if electricity in your area comes from a coal-fired
power plant, your utilities company will only need to generate about
20% of the power needed for the existing high-voltage AC system to
run the new one. Also, let's not forget the fact that any one of the
above public works projects would create hundreds of thousands of
now you can see that being a Christian is not about being a nice
person or going to church. Being a good Christian means being
anti-war to the point of refusing to serve in the military. It means
being in favor of free college education, free health care, plus free
day care and senior care for everybody without qualification. Make
all of the above fundamental human rights for everyone, not just for
those who have large sums of cash or stellar credit scores. War does
irreparable harm, but being Christian – or at least being a
decidedly peaceful person – does everybody tremendous good. Make a
commitment to yourself and to God today to stand against war and to
be in favor of world peace. Our only other choice is annihilation.
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