Preachers Fail to Condemn Greed While
Market Soars and Homelessness Runs Rampant
nation is being savaged by economic hard times, but many pastors are
afraid to talk about its causes, lest they offend anyone and risk
losing members of their churches. In light of this I would like to
present some comments of my own, since I am not the least bit
shy about stirring up controversy. It has been my observation that
too many preachers and teachers of the Gospel stop short these days
when it comes to preaching about the evils of greed. Instead, they
encourage their congregations to get through their financial woes by
making larger financial contributions. “If you have a need”, one
famous TV preacher once said, “you must plant a seed”.
Unfortunately, greed, like charity, begins at home. Apparently they
don’t want to alienate the most well-off members of their
congregations by talking about what’s behind the nation’s
economic woes. I can sum it up in one sentence: “I've got mine and
I'm doing well, how about you?”
The reality
is that certain people may wind up creating anti-economic-growth and
anti-capitalism concepts in their minds. Greed and our capitalist
economic system fear anything that even remotely resembles 19th
and 20th century (OMG!) communism or socialism (see the
book of Acts, chapter 2, verses 44-47). The very idea of sharing
anything, or of equal economic distribution in any form, makes these
“congregants” furious. Never mind that caring and sharing are 2
fundamental concepts of true Christianity (Acts chapter 4, verses
32-37). The Great Recession and its continuing aftermath are more
than an economic crisis. It has become a spiritual dilemma for some
of the nation’s pastors and their parishioners. Nearly four years
after an implosion of the nation’s financial system helped push the
country into its worst economic nosedive since the Great Depression,
pastors are still trying to figure out how to address people’s
fears from the pulpit. But first they have to deal with their own
fears, and in some cases their own greed.
millions of Americans are justifiably angry over the economy, little
moral outrage seems to be coming from mainstream denominations, and
ditto for many unaffiliated nondenominational churches. Too many
pastors opt for offering platitudes from the pulpit or from TV
studios because they are afraid their partners will stop giving money
if they hear teachings against greed. Money, and the acquisition
thereof, is one of the last taboos in church (not counting preaching
against the extreme immorality of waging warfare). The anxiety from
the pews has become so palpable for some pastors, though, that they
now feel like they have no choice.
The Rev.
Andy Stanley, a prominent evangelical leader, said some in his
congregation cheered when he launched a preaching series called
“Recovery Road” to talk about politically touchy issues such as
personal greed, the unsustainable federal deficit, and the sins of
sub-prime home loans and predatory student loans. Andy Stanley says
he took a risk preaching about greed to his suburban Atlanta
congregation, but it has paid off. The senior pastor has told his
church members they should look in the mirror before they start
blaming politicians for the nation’s economic woes. Any economic
recovery “begins with me, not they,” Stanley said. It continues
when pastors ask how such a wealthy country can stumble into such a
financial mess. “Any time the entire country is talking about
something, pastors should pause and talk about it,” Stanley said.
“We know what Republicans and Democrats think, but what does the
Bible and Jesus say?’’ Other ministers say an economic recovery
also must involve pointing fingers. They say Jesus calls his
followers to struggle against those people and policies that helped
lead to the Great Recession and economic inequality.
It’s good
to pull people out of the river when they’re drowning, but it’s
also good to go upriver to see who’s throwing them in the water.
Should pastors speak truth to economic power? Absolutely! There was a
time when American pastors routinely took stands on the big economic
issues of the day. During the Gilded Age of the late 19th century,
Walter Rauschenbusch, a Baptist minister, inspired others to fight
against the economic inequality of the time with the “Social
Gospel.” Social Gospel ministers helped inspire President Theodore
Roosevelt to break up business monopolies and abolish child labor.
The Rev.
Martin Luther King Jr. spent the last three years of his life
focusing on poverty. When he was assassinated in 1968, he was on the
cusp of leading a nonviolent, interracial army of poor people into
the nation’s capital to demand a fairer distribution of wealth.
Rev. Dr. King and others like him took on the big economic issues of
the day, and they were inspired by the example of Jesus, who angered
the powerful by condemning the economic exploitation of the poor.
Jesus took sides – he said he “didn’t come to bring peace, but
a sword.” The hard truth is that pastors who are afraid of angering
congregants by talking about touchy economic issues like greed ignore
the Gospel. You can’t preach the Gospel without alienating people.
That’s part of it. You’re not helping people if you’re not
alienating them. The recession and its accompanying jobless recovery
divides preachers, not just politicians.
what Jesus would say about the Great Recession can be controversial.
The Bible doesn’t record any instance where someone asked Jesus
about the morality of a sub-prime loan, or of waging undeclared,
unofficial wars, or the best way to reduce the federal deficit. That
leaves pastors with the challenge of interpreting Jesus’ message
for today’s economic woes. On that front, the pulpit is as divided
as the nation’s politics. Consider the cause of the 2008 economic
meltdown. Was it primarily the result of Wall Street greed?
Greed was a
factor in the 2008 financial crisis, but not it’s primary cause.
There were other major factors, including the tendency of Americans
to live above their means and policies that encouraged banks to
dilute mortgage lending standards. In addition, large financial
institutions were encouraged to engage in risky behavior because they
knew the federal government would bail them out. The causes of the
2008 crisis were so complicated that some of the smartest people in
the world either failed to anticipate it, or they looked the other
way so they would not see. Why don't more Christians condemn the
growing gap between rich and poor? Denouncing a presumed (and
enforced) gap between rich and poor is a moral imperative, not to
mention prophetic wisdom, in today's Church. According to the U.S.
Census Bureau, income disparity in the United States has increased
40% in the past 30 years. In 2010 the nation’s poverty rate rose to
a 17-year high, with more than 46 million people – 15.1% of the
population - living in poverty and 49.9 million living without health
insurance. These grim statistics point to the hard truth that people
born in America today can no longer “succeed” like their parents
and grandparents did. Working hard and getting a good education are
no longer enough. Higher education is only for the well-to-do, and
working hard, long hours only guarantee jobs for as long as it takes
any given employer to find and hire someone else who is willing to
work for $1.00-$2.00 dollars per hour cheaper than those they
replace. In short, the American Dream is dead on arrival. It has
devolved into a lie. The fact that millions of people want jobs and
can't find them is a sign of that capitalism is dying of old age, and
the profit motive is doomed to die with it because there is way too
much money in the hands of far too few people while everyone else
gets (literally) left out in the cold.
It’s very
clear to me that greed was a major factor in the 2008 economic
collapse, and that the widening gap between the haves and have-nots
is social and political dynamite. Quite frankly, economic inequality
is a recipe for revolution, and it is a revolution that is long
overdue. History shows that an increasing gap between the rich and
the poor is a prime indicator of imminent spiritual, financial and
cultural collapse. What is sorely needed today is a movement among
the nation’s churches to re-examine the country’s economic
values. Unfortunately, many of the nation’s pastors and TV
evangelists operate like politicians, afraid to alienate their
wealthy donors. Their sermons sound more like rehearsed sales pitches
than they do Spiritual messages.
Where have
all the prophets gone? If pastors choose not to preach about the
causes of economic calamity, they can still talk about the issue
through the prism of personal behavior. Some church members have been
hit hard by bad economic times. But instead, they hear about the
cures and not the causes for the nation’s economic ills. It has
been my observation that too many pastors have reduced Jesus to a
financial adviser rather than the Son of God who was a prophet and
teacher, and who saved us all from death by the free gift of eternal
life for all those who truly believe, and who back up their beliefs
with charitable acts.
should also call for equality and justice as a part of this message.
In point of fact, it’s a crime that no bankers or financial leaders
behind the 2008 collapse have gone to jail, and it is indicative of
culpability and complicity on the part of our nations “leaders”.
We’ll send an African-American teenager off to the slammer who robs
a 7-Eleven, and ditto for smoking an innocuous substance like
marijuana, but people won’t do one stinking thing to any banker who
helped cause the collapse of the entire banking system. But most
preachers won’t dare say that, because much of the church is too
captive to greed to address the moral challenges of the nation’s
economic problems. In my opinion, this is due in large part to the
“prosperity gospel” that is being “taught” in many churches
today. In other words, it's OK to be greedy, so long as one is doing
so for the sake of Christ. They are forgetting that Jesus said, “It
is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of the needle than for
a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven”, and again when He said,
“You cannot have both fresh and salt water flowing from the same
spring. You either love one master and detest the other, or you will
cling to the other and despise the former. You cannot worship both
God and money”.
We can’t
expect politicians, pastors, teachers, evangelists or other business
and political leaders to step into that void because too many are
beholden to the rich and powerful. A prophet is someone who is
willing to tell us the unpleasant truth about ourselves. That's what
Jesus did, and that's why he was crucified by the Roman Empire. If we
can’t bring unpopular messages, who will do so in our place? It's
all up to us, and anyone who willingly does not do so is ignoring at
best, or willfully bastardizing at worst, the true and timeless
Gospel of Jesus Christ.